
Look at the bright side — there's always the chance that he never really meant to be president, and that he's going to resign the office to Pence. Or maybe he'll lose one of the lawsuits pending against him and he'll resign or be impeached, passing the office on to Pence.

No, it's about how for the first time in U.S. history, a candidate has fully internalized the lessons of the 2004 Bush campaign, namely, that it doesn't matter what lie you tell about your opponent because the media will report the lie before checking whether it's a lie or not, and by the time they admit that it was a

Yeah, but he knows how to deal with ISIS. There is that. [*]

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who prior to his retirement was a professor of classics, and he pointed out something interesting. Both ancient Rome and ancient Athens had systems of government that had trappings of democracy (not fully democratic as we understand the term today, but government

As of now, he is ahead in the popular vote by about 1%, and the New York Times is predicting that after all of the votes are counted, he will have lost the popular vote. How is that "demolishing" her?

AIUI, Roger Moore was actually Ian Fleming's first choice — Moore had already played The Saint by then — and it wasn't until after Fleming saw Dr. No that he turned Bond into a Scotsman. Apparently, Ian Fleming was from the planet Spyron.