
Maybe they long for the days when we could all go and watch family entertainment like Titus Andronicus?

And the way that they never quite explain the climate of Westeros. Assume a highly elliptical orbit that brings the planet close enough to its sun at perihelion that the climate is temperate all over the planet, and then far enough away at aphelion that it's wintry all over. But if the "winter" lasts years, then

He graduated FIRST IN HIS CLASS from the Electoral College. Big league.

I forgot to mention that publicly announcing that you don't deserve a Nobel Prize immediately disqualifies you. I apologize for the oversight.

Unless the Democrats can make serious and unexpected gains in the midterm elections, the odds of an impeachment, let alone a conviction, are pretty small.

A complete and utter rout would be something along the lines of Johnson in 1964 (won the popular vote by 61%/39%), Nixon in 1972 (won the popular vote by 61%/38%), or Reagan in 1984 (won the popular vote by 59%/41%).

Well, with people skills like those, no wonder so many people are flocking to your cause.

No, she got the majority (55.2% according to Wikipedia) of the votes of the people who voted in the primaries. Sanders supporters have a surprisingly hard time internalizing that little fact.

Which is presumably why, like every Trump supporter I have interacted with, when you are asked to name even one of his policies that is sensible, you remain silent, and when asked to comment on the large number of lies that he told (far larger than the number that Clinton told), you indicate by your silence that you

Totally random piece of trivia: the word for "tea" has different pronunciations in different dialects of Chinese. English calls it "tea" because they first learned about tea from contact with southern Chinese who pronounce it "te," while other languages such as Hindi and Russian call it "chai" because they first

And Trump isn't? Oh wait — it's the Russians and the Chinese that he owes money to.

And how exactly is Donald J. "we don't need a minimum wage, since all of my jobs have been outsourced to foreign countries anyway" Trump going to restore the "actual jobs that were lost"?

Then you can explain to us how Trump's economic proposals could possibly make sense, and the foreign policy implications of his statements that he would renege on American commitments and that he would have no problem violating international law.

Who would have lost in a landslide.

I voted for Cthulhu.

Except that he's an awful public speaker.

When did it ever?