Mirror Universe Trump

It helps to not have a spine.

Later on I would check out other anime, including the Miyazaki movies, which I love, and Perfect Blue, which I describe to friends as anime Hitchcock. Sorry to hear that Satoshi Kon is dead! I loved the way he pranked the audience at the start by showing very rudimentary animation in the crowd, followed by

With that avatar, your statement becomes 50% funnier.

Unironically? I mean, it can be really fun to read a Liefeld comic, but in an MST3K way.

I am very liberal, and I didn't like it. I mean, I only watched the first two episodes, and I hear it gets better, but man!

Agreed on the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency. The mysteries are almost irrelevant considering how great the setting and characters are.

I unabashedly, unapologetically love Columbo.

The first anime I ever saw was Akira, and after watching it I was like, "Anime is so amazing! What incredible animation!" So for two weeks or so I checked out other animes until it slowly dawned on me that I had watched the best one first.

Although seven-year old-me used to look everywhere to find secret trapdoors into tunnels. I wanted to find secret tunnels so bad after reading… some kid's picture book. Don't remember which one. So I guess I am in favour of hidden labyrinth tunnels under shopping malls in principle.

This show. Is so. Stupid!

"The most entertaining trip into the mist yet."
Grade: C

He also sometimes catches sight of his reflection in his Diet Coke and becomes frozen as his mind shorts out from the disparity between his mental self-image and the sad reality.

How are we going to show our face at the Cross-Dimensional Council of Trumps this year?

Zod kneels before Corporate America, apparently.

Dude can also phone it in.

Murderous profanity-screaming locals make resource development far too dangerous.

I guarantee that Trump's diet is so much worse than he claims. Lying about diet is very common, and for an obsessed egoist like Trump it would be the first thing he tries to fool people about. As bad as we have heard it to be, it will be nothing compared to the grease-slicked, fat-smudged, syrup-covered,

We should have a museum somewhere where we could store and display all of these Confederate historical artifacts and statues. We could call it the National Museum of Bigotry and coat all the walls with layers of flash paper.

An entirely rational response.

And Curse of the Golden Flowers! Dude can act.