Mirror Universe Trump

Moist! Pungent! Vitreous! Salamander!

We have so little time left!!

All I want is for everything to stay the same, forever! Also that my parents learn to love me!

In New Mexico! Just as soon as you leave the Bronx!

Has anyone seen my hubca-

You know what? You keep it.

Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Panic, everyone, panic! Ahhhhh!

…I mean, I'm not a HATEFUL morally bankrupt idiot shit weasel.

“Bannon, if you’re listening, I hope you're able to find the tax returns that are missing. I think you’ll be rewarded mightily by our press”

Take a look, kids. This is the face of the Alt-Right. Not very pretty, is it?

Dammit, I guessed the secret word was racism… again. I guess I'll just have to settle for being right 364 days out of the year.

He was locked in that room with those interns for a long time. Hey, has anyone seen any of those interns?

"But at least he isn't a liberal! We can't tell you what a liberal is, exactly, but we hate them so much!"


? Bernie is the member of a race.

So THAT'S what they're called! I'm going to use a micro-wish!

I know I'm not allowed to wish for more wishes, but I have an alternative. I want to trade my three wishes in for 27 micro-wishes. Now hear me out before you decide! These 'micro-wishes' each have only one-seventh the impact of a full wish, and will be limited to my direct field of vision, a major concession on my

I think Trump actually has the edge by about 20 kg.

Really? Really? Does this mean I can rest at last?

I'm still here. Oh God, somethings wrong. SOMETHING'S WRONG, I'M STILL HERE!


Kinja is coming! Repent, for the end is near!
Also, Donald trump is president!