Mirror Universe Trump

Faith and begorrah!

It can be two things.

Dude, please.

Racism is stupid because it was created and used by stupid people.

I wonder what he'll do to get into character…

The Foreigner is my least favourite Spider-Man villain!

Whalloping web-snappers!

Dong? The fish is ready.

AV Club poster regrets not making better post.

THANK you!

He's high on life.

That was solid.

Cry Wilderness was so great!

No good, the EMTs brought me back. Mirror Universe America has comprehensive universal health care which is the envy of the world.

Vampires never mean anything Biblically.


Jesus, no. No one wants to do Mitch McConnell.

He can. He just cannot process anything that contradicts his gargantuan self-image because of his willful ignorance and profound stupidity.

The lard, bacon and grease determined it be necessary.

You're all right, Count.