















One last thing: as I mentioned in an hours-earlier post, I used to be a regular Cracked commenter for years. I valued that place like you all value the commentariat here. Then the site staff started going down the tubes, being dicks about the commenting community, and pulling out the same "you don't actually matter to

Yeah, I don't know if I can see myself sticking around through the change. I'm not quite as apprehensive about general format changes like the lack of thread nesting — having once been a regular Cracked commenter, I'll be accustomed to that — but the shift in atmosphere and the general way it's being approached is

It's remarkable how every episode without significant forward momentum seems to swing the tone of the comments from "I love this show, it's gotten so good!" to "fuck this boring show, Seth Rogen is singularly to blame for ruining the comics!"

It's not quite as good overall as the first or second seasons, but it reaches some wonderful heights eventually and is ultimately worth watching if you can stand the slowest of slow burns.

I hold nothing against the premise or the nostalgia bait. I hate the book because it's just really, really poorly written. Cline's prose is amateurish, pedestrian, and riddled with cliches and novice mistakes, and it supports a barebones framework of a story that might only be slightly improved in the movie by virtue