
Fuck. R.I.P. Siobhan, always one of my favorite characters in a show kept afloat almost solely on the strength of its cast. I would've been more emotionally affected had I not been steeled first by the "OMG SO INSANE SO DEVASTATING WE CAN'T SHOW YOU A TRAILER" marketing for this episode and then by the insanely

*vomits everywhere forever*

Sure sucks to be all those commenters who were previously hopping on the "McCain is a lying bastard who's going to take our healthcare and I hope the cancer slowly eats his brain" train.

That's the one.

That's Mark, the first Castor clone we met back before we knew Castor was a thing, who's drifted in and out of the plot along with his wife (the woman who visited Helena) every so often and… not been super distinct. Honestly I kind of thought he died a season or two ago.

Ira was last seen bleeding profusely from his glitching, and he'd just found Susan dead. He either succumbed completely very soon after we last saw him or he killed himself.

This show has gradually gone from unevenly good to consistently great, and I'm so glad I stuck with it through the rough patches. And I've never read the comic, but it looks like next episode's going to be about this Herr Starr everyone's been hyping up since the brief tease in the first season, so it appears we're

Falling Skies was great for one season and pretty solid for another. No idea what happened to the rest of it.

Revolutionary new idea: some people may or may not have different tastes and opinions than you do.

In their continuing quest to play catch-up with the MCU instead of doing their own unique thing, they HAVE to have Darkseid as an overarching Big Bad because Marvel is doing Thanos, and they also need to have a Loki figure for the first team-up who can then be used to tease the real threat instead of standing on its

Don't listen to the other guy who replied. Second half is just as fantastic as the first, if not more so.

Plaza was magnetic, sexy, and shit-the-bed terrifying in the first season. This guy might do well for himself, but he's never going to top her as one of my favorite parts of the show. Hopefully she does indeed stick around next season in some capacity.

I may find a lot of his politics abhorrent and think he's a spineless asshole a lot of the time, but much the same as with the recent GOP shooting, I'm not willing to stoop so low as wishing death on the people I vehemently disagree with (nor am I going to make another admittedly amusing healthcare crack). Plus the

You're really stretching for something to say about Trump, A.V. Club. Which is odd, because I don't recall you saying anything about his madness-inducing statements yesterday regarding the wall and the "sacks of drugs" he thinks will fall over it and kill people.

Chinatown and The Pianist are great movies even though Roman Polanski is a rapist bastard. It can be tough to separate the creator from his or her work, but it's worth it when the work is good enough.

And outright great in Chronicle.

S3 gets off to a slow start, but the buildup is well worth it once shit starts hitting the fan around four or five episodes in.

Cracking wise about a guy's dead daughter. Real fucking cool.

It's so Dowdian in wording that I missed that it was actually IV. Stupid either way.

You know, for a while there I'd more or less forgotten Milo existed.