
You know… if this thread is really what's preventing them from the switchover, couldn't they just close the discussion?

You know… if this thread is really what's preventing them from the switchover, couldn't they just close the discussion?

Man, it would be perfect if Kinja's first effect upon the attempted switchover was simply not working at all from being a poorly programmed piece of shit.

I might as well make this my goodbye post as well. I've decided not to stick around for the Kinja switch, both because Kinja sucks goat chodes and because the site has long lost its way, and for various reasons I'm not going anywhere near the Avocado. I'm not losing my main internet discussion spot like many of you —

They lost the rights. All complete seasons are now on Hulu instead.

The AV Club REALLY wants you to be outraged about this.

Only to discover too late that a decaying hole is all that remains.

*Trump tells Bannon that he's fired, to a triumphant musical sting.*

Transcript of the episode:

"Didn't someone say something […] then Jesse got all pissy about it?"

It concerns me that so many people think a show with two black executive producers, the Spellmans (who have conveniently been ignored in every article about this thus far), is going to be an alt-right grail that glorifies or trivializes slavery, racism, and general oppression.

1. This review gave me like 40% of the information I actually wanted about the show; the rest was just more whining about Iron Fist. Even as someone who very much disliked the show and thinks Finn Jones was a subpar choice (though not due to his race), it gets tiresome.

To each their own. All I know is that this was the first season of the show where I wasn't breathlessly waiting to watch the next episode, and that includes the reviled third and fourth seasons. It all felt stale and disappointing up until very recently.

What an incredible end to an all-around disappointing final season. It's a testament to the disparity between the quality of the characters and the plotting that by the time we got to that final glorious meet-up around the fire, I'd almost completely forgotten that Westmoreland, Coady, Enger, and Neolution were ever a

Beyond all of the deeply shitty storylines and subject matter to be discussed, I just have to pose the question:

He seems like a pretty great guy outside of his abhorrently grating schtick, I like the goal of his show even though I can only stand the tone of it in small doses, and the only meaningful point against him are some spurious-at-best claims from a heavily biased firsthand source that he said something mildly homophobic

Rather than the mother's suicide destroying the ghost, it turns out her sacrifice only let it cling on to her kids and they're forced to find a different way to defeat it, thereby giving a message about depression affecting loved ones and suicide not being the answer. Test audiences complained about it,


