
I don't think anybody is supposed to enjoy Funny Games. The characters were there to chastise you for not liking the movie, not for enjoying it. They're there to say "Hey, you're normally on board with all this violence, but now you're getting squirmy?" without even showing the violence on screen. That's the main

Well, there's a fundamental misunderstanding of why people go to movies.

There is so much to love about this story other than the sobering fact that our President nominated a lunatic to be Communications Director simply because CNN apologized to him one time.

Yes, I hope for the day where Donald Trump is caught on a hot mic….wait, this already happened? And he's still President? What the hell?

Imagine being you. Puffing your chest up, getting proven 100 percent wrong by your own guy, then coming out and puffing your chest out again. Must be exhausting to be a performing clown all day

This has got to be very embarrassing for you. Hope you learn not to put your trust in pathlogical liars next time.

I realize the New York Times is "fake news", but you might want to take a look as they got the reporting right about this in the first place and now have said Trump knew he was meeting with somebody reporting to have information directly from the Russian government.

"Trump Jr. meets with person with russian sounding name". Yeah, a Russian.

Here is the thing though. Even though I am "anonymous" on the internet, I still think about how what I say reflects on me. I don't think that is a bad thing for society to shoot for. The fact this guy was saying racist stuff that could've caused him problems in his real life isn't all that different from that guy

"And I suppose the intervention of Ray Wise (which didn’t save Nikki forever, but given that she’d killed someone at the start of the season, I guess that was inevitable…)

So how much of a coward are you to to not want your nutty opinions associated with your primary anonymous internet account?

Eh, there is something to be said for pushing these people back into the woodwork. There is no question that the anonymous nature of the internet leads people to act horribly in public and that it has continued to spread to a dangerous amount as people are now able to find like-minded communities.

CNN has stated they decided not to release the guy's name after he asked for his name not to be released. That's a drastically different story than them contacting him and holding this over his head.

Between this and the Russia questioning and for a guy that supposedly was a good law student, Ted Cruz has shown himself to be a really terrible lawyer.

Geez, it's almost as if we're learning that people that have no morals sometimes act unethically when placed in positions of power over other people!

The Sun Also Rises has less impotence than this.

It couldn't be more obvious how you feel if your name was Miss Angry and Feeling Impotent.

This internet comment is entertaining to me due to how angry and impotent you feel. It's a snake eating its own tale. Keep it up!

Sometime around George W. Bush, conservatives started calling themselves Libertarian to give themselves street cred though they vote 100 percent Republican all the time.

Hmm. On the other hand, I only enjoy entertainment which makes you irrationally angry and feeling even more impotent than normal. So, I guess we just cancel each other out.