
How about if they never really leave the private sector?

I think I'll go right ahead and reply anyway, partner. If you are suffering from such extreme control issues that you can't handle mild criticism of a Marvel TV show and think you have any power over whether or not I post, you've got something that needs to be checked out.

All we really know is Andrew Jackson would've solved it, unlike that hack Lincoln!


They've got Jesse Watters and Hannity. Trump could be screwing their partners after burning down their houses and they'd find some way to blame the left.

The review said the pacing has gotten better, but that it dawdles and wastes time. In fact, that appears to be one of the main complaints.

Are we really stating that we need to watch 8 hours of something before we form an opinion? 8 hours? An entire work day? If this shit is as boring as Iron Fist/second half of Luke Cage, no way I'm watching 8 hours to see if it picks up at the end.

On a scale from Daredevil (fun, but with some padded out, repetitive boring parts) to Jessica Jones/Daredevil Season 2 (good, but way too many padded-out, repetitive boring parts) to Luke Cage (1/2 repetitive boring parts) to Iron Fist (all repetitive boring parts), where does this season stand?

Also, I personally won't be able to watch this for quite some time and I think it's pretty irresponsible for AVClub to release a review that may possibly shape my personal view of the show or give me information on whether it is worth my time. The only possible solution is some sort of voting method to make sure all

I tend to think the cries of fascism are a little overblown, but 300 is a 21st century creation. Its not like it is a documentary. It can certainly be discussed

I never would say those elements are not present. But there is nuance and parody that is less present in his later work. This isn't exactly something unique to Miller but is present in a lot of older artists later work. Either they evolve or they devolve either into old man conservatism or on the other hand, sappy

Counterpoint: DKR is, and will always be, awesome regardless of how popular opinion turns against Frank Miller as he gets old and his work is bad.

I got the first series for .25 an issue at a secondhand store.


Insinuating It's Pat was "anti-trans propaganda" is a pretty reasonable answer? You can argue how time has recontextualized a dumb skit or that gender depictions weren't always positive (i.e. the question), but we can all agree that literally none of "anti-trans propaganda" is true, right?

By attacking Pat from SNL? Yeah, I'd say that doesn't help anyone. The only people that probably remember the skits are people with childhood nostalgia, the people most likely to be alienated by stuff like this. So yeah, not helpful.

"Hey, I'd like to not help the situation at all. Can I attack an SNL character from 20 years ago?"

Geez, it's almost as if creating a world where people are frequently expected to deceive dopes, and act slavishly devoted to a political party instead of actual morality in exchange for fame and money…..might be attracting some bad people.

Doing videos where you brag about how you're going to run the prison is a good way to go to prison. Up to the judge now and pretty sure lack of remorse is a factor that plays pretty heavily with all judges.

Well, some of us like to dwell on how shitty and violent humanity is. That doesn't mean we enjoy people being shitty and violent. It reminds us of how we're not shitty and violent and that is something constantly to be overcome.