
Oh man, I didn't think it was possible for you to get LESS credible.

Maybe Russia should stop fucking with people's countries, including trying to get a near-Nazi elected in France.

Nah, not really. We just don't want our government to become Russia and it bothers us when our President refuses to criticize the government of Russia and, in fact, heaps praise upon him. Or when that government decides it would rather have a President in charge that they can 'deal with', or in other words,

That makes him equivalent to 99 percent of all Making a Murderer viewers (myself included).

Well, you should watch the documentary so you can claim meaningless authority when you make ill-informed statements. Like the REST of the people did!

I'll take it. Some things are worth getting self-righteous over. Good luck on solving that homicide case, Netflix Detective.

Well, now I'm not surprised you didn't get it.

One hundred percent gross. Don't speculate about real-life people possibly murdering their beloved family members with zero evidence other than you think he's creepy and you watched a TV show. Think about yourself in that position for a second.

Again, you really don't know what was presented and how based on the television show. If you remember, there was a huge 'moment' in the show during the cross-examination of the deputy where they insinuated the car might've been planted and the deputy may have been driving it. Then during the closing argument (which

Nope. Guy led led to a degradation of American culture for political reasons and money. He sold us all out to create a wave of dummies who listen to dumb news and consider themselves smart.

Ha. Jupiter Ascending was the dumbest kind of movie. Everybody racing to save Jupiter from doing something stupid and signs something. And then she goes and almost does something else stupid and signs something, and everybody repeats the same actions to save her from doing that. Like more than an hour of that

Aliens is a great sci-fi action movie. It's perfect for what it is, but in its own cartoony way.

It made a ton of money despite being crap. Sounds like the marketing succeeded in getting a ton of people out there despite the fact it was terrible.

I never quite get the Ultimates love. Like that pizza scene where they discuss who will play each other in movies is one of the most spectacularly bad, tin-eared pieces of writing I've ever read.

Yeah the problem was she failed to win most of the swing states and was doing things like campaigning in Utah and Arizona

I am beginning to think your reading comprehension does not match your level of condescension.

This may be the most wrong comment ever.

But still these people aren't going to be super-excited about Captain America as a Nazi so your point about not doing this story because it emboldens the Nazis isn't a valid one.

I live in the United States. Which is why I know the reason America is where it is isn't due to internet alt-nazis even though they'd love to claim victory. It's due to people that wear the flag in a way they believe is sincere, but don't actually understand or cherish the values the flag is supposed to represent.

Refraining from doing or exploring things because ironic internet anime nazis might get a boner is an interesting life.