
For awhile I thought it may have been like a Jay Cutler thing where somebody just looks like they're unpleasant to be around even if it is not true. But over the years, it sure seems like she fits the part.

"And the film’s climax—featuring fireplace pokers, duct tape, and a drag queen-worthy bloodstained caftan—delivers on that delicious promise."

Man. I can imagine you typing these comments and telling yourself that you're smart and winning these arguments. That's sad, man. I can't imagine what it is going to feel like when your self-delusion falls and you realize that you're kind of a dummy. It's going to be a tough day. Hopefully you have a cat or

Uh, forget the SAG. Holocaust denying should disqualify you from being classified as a human being.

I am not yet sure the guy believes the Holocaust happened. Until that's cleared up, I don't think he gets a pass.

I hate to be this guy, but she's going to go to Fox News and make much more money. They're going to be falling all over themselves to get the hot, young conservative (and it proves their diversity…she's kind of pro-choice maybe!")

I was done with the first one when the shaky-cam started. I grew up with 80s action films so I was curious to see what they'd do and they don't even make the thing retro in film-making style. You doofuses, that's what we wanted to see.

Ugh. There.

I can't get over how bad that scene is. So much that it's moved into entertaining category.

We're just lucky he didn't break it into three movies.

That was a problem with the first King Kong vs. Godzilla, too. Godzilla towered above Tokyo. King Kong climbed a skyscraper and fell to his death.

Could they resist over-explaining something? Hollywood, the place that gave us the five-minute origin scene for the Ghostbusters logo? Can't let there be any ambiguity or mystery over how Kong came to be.

So do we have to pretend that kid wasn't absolutely terrible in this? I don't like the idea of picking on a pre-teen, but this is a big budget movie. Did they not give her that line in whatever audition they needed? Weird way to start the trailer off with one of the worst line-readings of already clunky dialogue


This woman is just as bad. Claims to be Christian then lies to us about important stuff like the President golfing. Full on, complete liar with no sense of ethics.

What's the matter, the District Attorney's office got you pushing too many pencils?

Dude, I was at all the Planned Parenthood Fetus Bar-B-Ques and she wasn't at a single one! I doubt the sincerity of this statement!

Nobody buys it, dude. Go sell it somewhere else.

If you got a lot of money from your dad, you'd spend on it milk extracted from the teats of a virginal cow? That seems like a weird way to spend any sort of money, but it's your dime, homeboy.

I like to order the most expensive bottle of wine in the restaurant so that I can mix it with Sprite, so I don't have to taste the wine part. ACKNOWLEDGE MY CHOICES!