
Any person that demands a well-done steak should have their vote taken away from them. Sorry, it's science.

If you select an aged steak and eat it well done, you are likely not even a human being.

Bannon played as a slob drunk that Donald listens to and defers to would be perfect

It apparently has Spicer on the hot seat. Anything that has the same effect on Bannon is worth trying.

It was a little bit of Hollywood, too. What happened to him happens to what, 50-60 percent, of child stars? Dude seemed to have been bullied because he was in a movie and didn't have enough fame or ability to maintain work as he outgrew being a cute kid. Hollywood spit him out. Kind of happens to most of those

It's not as bad as Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

It's a shitty outcome (wish it was Hardiman, who seems like a decent person), but what I want more than anything is for Trump's approval ratings to remain the same or hopefully, get lower, as the Presidency goes on. I want people to reject what he's selling. To do that, it's likely the Dems will have to pick their

Biden was the guy. That's the missed opportunity. People also forget that the Koch Brothers and their like wouldn't have sat out a Bernie Sanders election. They had skin in that game.

He did a town hall meeting on CNN. Somebody asked him about the ACA saying that it saved his life because prior to that, no insurance companies would give him insurance. Ryan assured the guy he would've been saved under the plan that Republicans never came up with and never worked on. Ryan then told a woman that

Trump's way worse. Remember when Bush's people called torture 'enhanced interrogation techniques' because of the disgusting idea that America would be torturing people.

He was asked questions by his own personal house interviewer. Let's not pretend Trump doesn't have control when Sean Hannity is interviewing him. Give me a break.

The worst part of this voter fraud thing? His Press Secretary said they're only going to investigate the places that Trump lost: New York, California and the cities.

Well that would be a pretty low bar as Linda McMahons main business credentials would be pretending to run the WWF in case her husband got indicted. Since he is a totally amoral human being who currently exploits labor loopholes that don't actually exist in order to avoid paying taxes/health insurance. And just this

The Supreme Court of the United States, spurred on by so-called Originalists, overruled a state's ability to run its own elections in order to make sure a Republican was elected. Then Scalia went around for years claiming he was 'handcuffed by his philosophy' and refusing questions on Bush v. Gore.

Dude, you were pretending to be a cuck! YOU BLEW IT! YOU HAD EVERYBODY FOOLED!

Doesn't that make it *less* likely that people are going to stand up for them? We're talking about Republicans, so-called champions of the free market, that are now cool with trade tariffs.

Not Showtime, whatever network they were on originally.

"Rex, please explain what the defense did there…"

True, there is plenty of time to dehumanize Carrie Fisher between now and then.

It was the old network that was responsible, not Showtime. So won't change much of anything. But 50k is a fairly small city, not a small town.