
Because they only realized it was ghoulish when somebody died recently?

This is the first time I noticed that Twin Peaks has 51,201 people. That's way high for what I figured.

I don't think he's a paid Russian troll. But he is a pro-Russian troll who seems unable to differentiate propaganda from real life. I mean, he's defending RT. Where Putin came in and changed leadership because he didn't like where it was going, but apparently has no control over it?

Guy was on here after the Ukraine stuff was happening and was literally just listing off Russian talking points. Gee, I wonder where he was getting them? Obviously from Larry King.

Don't bother, dude. That guy loves him some Russia and Putin.

Oh no! Trump will only have non-activists press like Fox News to rely upon. You know the one that had Hollywood Hissy Fit as the top headline on their website.

No, the legislative branch did it instead.

Dude, a reality show star just got elected President based entirely on his celebrity.

Probably the same way Nixon did. By illegally using his power to mess with people.

Martial arts in the form of a kata, maybe. Mixed martial arts? No. It's a sport.

That's an interesting way to try and win an argument. It penalizes the person for actually doing the job they are going to do.

Yeah, it's not like Obama did anything to help the automotive industry! Where were you at Obama when General Motors collapsed and all of those jobs went away?!? Probably off playing golf and being communist!

I would love to think so and hope we can get there again. Post-activist cable news and post- Facebook/Twitter/etc, I think it is going to take a massive technological or communications shift.

I don't know if it'll work anymore. Now, even if you get the better of them in a rational argument they can just run to some place where they tell them that he won the argument.

It would be if Batman was actually not super-effective and blocked by the mafia at nearly every turn but then the mob decides to pretend Batman has destroyed everything and then turn to a crazy super villain to stop the vigilante they created in their head.

At the risk of entering into THIS age old debate, I also agree that children should not be murdered to teach their parent lessons about entering them in beauty pageants. Phew, glad I got that off my chest.

It's stuff that loses supporters. Here's the thing: there's a lot of people that don't really like abortion, but are on the Democratic side for other reasons. Like there are people that like guns, but are on the Democratic side for other reasons. There are also a lot of old people that have voted Democrat, but now

She's been a living, breathing mockery of liberalism for the past two years at the very least. Every time she opened her mouth for Hillary, all I could think of was "Stop talking, you're only helping the other side."

Is there anybody who as goddamn useless to her own causes as Lena Dunham is? This is exactly what pro-life people fear more than anything: their mistaken belief that abortion as a fun frivolity for irresponsible people.

Clown: Trump's Inauguration isn't important because Republicans work super hard and aren't distracted by frivolities.