
Yeah, the guy going around the country on a "Thank you" tour to stroke his own ego and meeting Kanye West while refusing security briefings is really dedicated to getting to work. If only people would stop with the pointless distractions, he can finally get back to twitter wars with Vanity Fair!

I always thought the idea that Anakin was going to bring balance to the force was a dumb line. The whole universe was populated by Light Side users. The fact they didn't think that meant the Dark Side was due for a comeback was pretty dumb of them.

This dude makes Rob Zombie look like Akira Kurosawa.

I enjoyed Officer Downe the comic. It was a fun throwback to 1980's movies with great art by Chris Burnham. So, of course, they gave the material to a guy that directed it like it was a nu-metal video from the early 2000's. The level of restraint you'd expect from a dude that bangs on beer kegs for Slipknot.

Well, it took exactly one post for you to reveal exactly what the fuck you are.

It's not banned. Nobody is banning their speech. They can and will do their show on youtube or whatever like they always do. And you have no citation to show the only reason this show was cancelled was due to politics. Here's a hint: It was probably a combination of the two. They are assholes. They bring

I think he "outrage" culture is damaging for a different reason. There is this weird fascination with being completely ideologically pure and the most 'woke' and all this stuff. And that leads to people not making practical, smart decisions or making the compromises people need to avoid disaster. How many people

Well, you're close, but you're off. The dumb outrages is symptomatic of a problem on the left, sure. It has resulted in some sort of dumb ideological purity test that we see played out online every day. And that same sort of dumb thinking led to people staying home because they weren't 'inspired enough', or

No, that's literally not blacklisting. Blacklisting is if they, and everybody else, said that this guy is never allowed to have a show. Which, quite frankly, happens a lot with people who are, you know, pieces of shit. This show got cancelled after getting on the air despite "the hot hot debate" of allowing them

If it made them a lot of money and was worth the controversy, it would still be on the air.

What the fuck are you talking about? Blacklisting? They got a TV show on a major cable network. It didn't get good ratings and wasn't worth the controversy. Is there supposed to be affirmative action for shitty, conservative comedy? Can somebody please get the Half Hour News Hour back on the air?!?!

Gavin McInness says the same thing every day on Twitter. Unsurprisingly.

Obama's sanctions have hurt Putin (and Russia) because he's just innocently invaded a country and shit because the people there wouldn't go along with his counter-NATO. So unsurprisingly he's on the phone with Trump trying to get them dumped on January 21st so he can have his cake and eat it, too.

Oh man, the peeps at reddit are going to be so impressed with your infiltration! Better get some new clothes for all those dates you're going to be having!

I bet all the girls at the alt-right gatherings are super impressed by your leftist impression. I mean, if she can peel her eyes away from the other ten guys doing their leftist impressions because that's apparently the highest level of humor for you guys.

Is there some sort of MDE fan forum where you guys get together, jerk off to Milo, and decide that nothing is funnier than your weird, straw-man impersonation of liberals? Because you're like the fourth person to do it on this thread alone.

Man, I imagine when you posted this you sat back with a satisfied look on your face, finally happy to have created the perfect piece of satire that you imagined in your head. "This will show these SJWs", you probably thought as you sat back and pressed the post button on this incoherent bunch of word salad.

But if it's not a choice between Clinton and Trump, then they have to actually defend and challenge Trump instead of deflect onto her.

Exactly. If you're coming up with inane, irrelevant bullshit every time you're asked a simple question, instead of asking "Hmm..maybe there is a point here that I'm missing?", you're not out to have an honest argument.

That problem is that dumb people will watch her be dumb and they'll just think she's right. They've been made so stupid by people like her that they'll believe her because she talks in a voice that sounds like she knows what she's talking about. I guarantee there are plenty of people that watched that video and