
There is little as annoying as somebody who is dumb, but talks in an extremely loud and arrogant way as if they are making some great, fantastic point. That part about Obamacare was excruciating. It was like watching a high-schooler do a report, but believing they wrote a textbook.

Also, he's not one guy.

Watched the Chair and then caught both movies when they were on Starz.

All of the above maybe? The time is here for reflection and introspection and a realization that we failed at multiple levels, including that we could normalize hate just because we think it's kind of funny.

It's something they need to be held accountable for. At this point we need to figure out how something like this happened and how to keep it from happening again. Because as bad as it is, the next guy could be worse and we need to put an end to it early.

Hughes is an asshole that has always said inflammatory and borderline racist things. He thinks Obama is a secret Muslim. Sad that he had to live through that, but let's not act like he doesn't have a history of being a piece of shit.

I am extremely bored with this now so I will summarize this discussion. You pop up on a thread discussing "A Face in The Crowd" and it's relevance to today's political world. You say the election results are due to SJWs and then say here is a YouTube video of a screeching moron that confirms the point I just made.

Nuanced viewpoints require data and introspection neither of which are championed in today's post a YouTube or Breitbart link society. Do I think it was SJWs? Nope.
I think we've become a stupid country/world filled with fear stoked by media charlatans and the key is finding out why and how to combat this evil.

A) That's not a statistical certainty. It may well be true, but votes are still being counted and we have a secret ballot system and obviously no trustworthy/valid polls. We don't know if Trump got more or less votes than Romney yet, nor do we know or will we know how many of Trump's voters are first time voters

I didn't call you an Alex Jones fan. You probably need to start reading instead of watching YouTube pro wrestling videos disguised as political commentaries, man.

Yes, I see the problem. The problem is dunderheads going to YouTube, finding people that agree with their dumb worldview and letting that confirmation bias drive them. It's the same energy that lets people believe Brietbart or InfoWars or the Young Turks is gospel.

I think she underestimated the deplorables, quite frankly.

No, we must jettison idiocy like thinking angry Youtube videos by dipshits reflect the real world instead of the world you want to create in your mind. I know it's a losing battle. That's why the world is falling apart, due to the fact that we now lack critical thinking skills.

Yes, that is an exact example of the kind of thing this movie is talking about.

It isn't just that Trump is Rhodes. It's the fact that we've been propping up Rhodes like figures for years and now people get their news from them. Whether it's on the right (Breitbart, talk radio, Fox News) or the Left (Gawker; Young Turks; whatever), we've created a society filled with echo chambers. Right now

Sure you can, but when you support his ludicrous "ripping babies out of the womb" comment about abortion at the debate, you're not an independent and shouldn't proclaim yourself to be.

LOL. Hey, anyone remember that TV show where everybody could get 1/2 the prize if they both said to give us half the prize, but if one asked for all the prize and the other didn't, he got it all…but if they both asked for all the prize…they both got nothing. Remember what happened in like all those shows? Nobody

Compromise is actually a good thing except if you're like Howard Roark or some other dumb shit.

If you think that moderate, centrist Democrat Hillary Clinton is going to govern completely different from moderate, centrist Democrat William Jefferson Clinton than you may be just as delusional as a Trump supporter. She'll be version 2, but without the sex scandals.

Yes, Trump wasn't responsible for any foreign policy decisions while he was putting his name on golf courses and going on TV pretending to be a billionaire.