
I agree that we should compare Hillary Clinton to George W. Bush as there clearly isn't a better comparison for President anywhere in American history, including the one right before George W Bush ,
whoever that man might be.

As a lapsed reader of the comics, let me welcome you to the exact moment where I stopped caring, dropped my subscription and haven't ever felt the need to come back since.


"…the outrage she stirred by incorrectly suggesting The Ultimate Warrior and many other wrestlers had died of steroid abuse"

"The Article About the Star Wars Prequels Doesn't Deserve Your Hatred".

I think it's more along the lines of Disney's other main property: the Marvel films. There's clear parallels there, including the recutting of movies (see Rogue One) to make it more mainstream.

I'm pretty sure that specific part was a joke. Their point was muddled and kind of dumb, but that part? Meant to be funny.

I'm torn. On the one hand, I thought this was an incredibly boring video that seemed like it was made out of a sense of obligation rather than a genuine desire to do it. The film-making aspect was really toned down and the arguments weren't entertaining enough on their own. That diversity section was a huge waste

Yeah, but that is in 1984 dollars so it is something like 12.2 trillion dollars today.

It needed to make 300 million which is even more ridiculous.

I keep forgetting about the Ozzy cameo and then being reminded. That is a joke straight out of 2002.

Nah, it was really terrible. Worst script/story structure since Jupiter Ascending and the number one worst thing to watch in film: bad comedy. The only saving grace was Suicide Squad was just about as bad otherwise it would've been the hands down worst movie I saw in a pretty terrible summer.

Holtzman, to me, is the embodiment of that film. An empty vessel that people are putting their hopes in. A talented comedian playing a quirky character that everybody wants to like and is really hoping will be awesome, but is completely superficial and artificial.

This will undoubtedly happen. See Biden/Palin for the prime example. It also helps they have a network that will declare the Republican nominee the winner no matter what.

They're a little more annoying that Sublime haters, but not more annoying that Sublime haters training for a marathon.

Rick Moranis was offered it and was kind of like "Why would anyone want to see me do that?" Which shows that he knew how annoying, unnecessary and dumb these cameos are which puts him above the filmmakers.

We're almost there. The movie has been propped up by good intentions and well-wishing, but it's coming down fast. It'll be the Phantom Menace in a year or two.

They also edited out a clear plot point where Wiig has a falling out with the others, making the whole Wiig comes backs and saves the day plot weird, dumb and completely unsupported by the movie.

Sublime haters have now eclipsed Sublime fans in the realm of annoying people.

Uhm, the dude is playing villain for everybody, the hallmark of a shitty person. If you go around acting like you're the worst person in the world and you're happy to be known for that, then you deserve all the hate you get. Non-shitty people don't act like he does.