
No, the Patriots play a type of offense that doesn't depend on the QB exclusively and have for years. Their main goal is to get the ball out quick and stockpile receivers who excel at short yardage gains versus deep threats. Brady is exceptionally good at running this offense, but like everything else about the


Women that spends her time literally writing books about how women don't really belong in the workplace finds out what happens when people don't respect women in the workplace. It's like the Twilight Zone except completely and utterly predictable.

We might be up to. 60 percent.

Sounds like somebody can't handle what vaguely sounds like the truth.

Who is this barfly and how can 50 percent of our country vote for him?

You don't make any sense. Just like the birther conspiracy that Donald Trump had to end.

Who cares? It is callous, mean and assholish and therefore honest for some reason.

I think it's just as tragic that the Democrats nominated one of the only Dems that could lose to Trump. This election is amazing and so, so scary

This is meaningless. All that matters is Trump tells it like it is. Now it doesn't necessarily mean anything coherent, meaningful, or even true. But he tells it exactly how it is. And that's the number one important issue in this country.

Blaming this on the media is silly. I want Hillary to win more than I've wanted any candidate in my lifetime. I think Trump winning quite frankly would put an end to political discourse. The fact that he's done so well already tells me they we will be dealing with horrifying people coming forward to run now that

This is a talking point that needs to go away. There were checks and balances for George W Bush. He routinely ignored them.

No, it is her. When rumors are flying around about secret illnesses, the absolute worse thing to do is keep an illness secret. All she had to do was disclose this from the star and nobody would care she had pneumonia. Now it is confirmation of a conspiracy theory

Who knows? I think it's unlikely. Sanders, to a lot of people, is just the right-wing Trump. A populist saying what people want to hear (break up the banks! Free college!) without any smart plan to implement them. But we obviously like those ideas better than mass deportations and building a wall, so we give him

We survived so well that we're willing to nominate Donald Trump. We're not surviving as well as you think we are.

Or his tax cuts which is the biggest factor that led to the deficit that is the phony driver of all this super right bullshit.

You're giving her way too much credit. This is a woman who made getting sick look sinister and under handed. All she had to do was say "Hey, I got a little bout of pneumonia" and then Trump looks like he's beating up on a sick person. Instead, she makes it look like she's hiding Stage IV cancer. She's proven time

Tons more are going to show up. There are going to be a lot of first time voters for Trump, some of them in their thirties and forties.

Instead of voting for the guy yelling vague things that can with no plan on how to accomplish them, vote for the other guy yelling vague things with no plan on how to accomplish them because we like the vague things better.

Sure. "Playfully." Like that clown in Chicago.