
You keep arguing like this is some sort of logic puzzle. I get that Superman was trying to fight Zod. It's not like this is buried subtext in the film. I get it.

Man of Steel failed. This, however, is over-correction.

It started off well with Superman saving the fisherman on the boat, etc. And that was the stuff that played the best in the trailer. But it failed when it needed it the most. Especially if you double down on the Christ-like imagery. If you're going to make the guy a savior, he's got to SAVE.

The Avengers were shown saving people. And a lighter tone helped. I don't really like the Avengers all that much, but it didn't leave you feeling shitty like Man of Steel did. And I was way looking forward to Man of Steel.

It's a fictional film where they could insert whatever scenes serve the film the best. Snyder could've easily put in a scene where he was saving somebody and boom, easy. Instead, he put in scenes where Perry White and generic sports reporter are trying to save a nameless intern. You know, stuff he could've shown

Because Snyder didn't realize you had to include some shots where Superman looks like he gives a shit and works hard to save people. Like two-three scenes of him going out of his way to protect civilians would've helped out a lot.

He didn't just get a million. He claims that. He's lying.

Let's go tell him to his face!

By the way, unrelated, does anyone have a shovel?

I agree. Let's get Robert Byrd out of the party!

How do you feel about Donald Trump repeatedly lying about giving money to the veterans?

You should have been on that Benghazi committee.

No, I really wouldn't vote for Trump based on honesty. The guy has made a large part of his living based on the carny lies he tells people about his wealth and success. This whole Presidential run is an example of one. He just offered the job of real President to John Kasich.

I didn't believe the Democratic Party was full of evil racists until you revealed you were a Democrat at the end. That twist ending gave you complete credibility.

It’s bad enough that the Bridesmaids director had to go and make a fun, funny…"

It's impossible to advance on the ideas when people don't want to do so. Everybody rushes to pick sides and then remains entrenched in whatever side they rushed to so facts don't ever get put into play. These stories have become the epitome of people not acknowledging anything outside of what they want to

Fun like actual fun or fun like Ghostbusters fun? Because the word fun has been thrown out a lot lately.

Our country is in a bad spot right now and it's because of people like you. People who get their information from crazy, snake oil salesmen and think they are informing themselves and becoming knowledgeable. Nobody on Planet Earth with a modicum of understanding of US history would claim that Lincoln was not a

A good ol'fashioned smug-off. Place yer bets!

It's good they ended their one-child policy before the people realized their daughters couldn't grow up to be Ghostbusters.