
Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Holy cow. I had no idea somebody was so into using references as a punch line that they'd write a screed like this. A) I never said I hate all references. I hate winky cameos and references in place of jokes. For instance, saying "I'd buy that for a dollar" in the new Robocop movie. All it does is remind me that

It was also made in 1984, when all trailers were awkward and not very good. The slick, well-produced trailer is a new invention that came along with the internet world. People weren't sitting around watching trailers in 1984.

"The rest of the story doesn’t slavishly remake Ghostbusters so much as respectfully riff on it, with nods to the original both big (lots of cameos) and small (a scene at a glass-walled restaurant; certain winking phrases like “mass hysteria”). "

Gee, what a surprise. You mean the same guys who whined about Star Wars and Mad Max aren't really the all-powerful super-lobby that they are constantly portrayed as in these Ghostbusters thread? I would've thought otherwise with how terrible those movies did.

They booked him, but he didn't show up.

A thousand dongs?!?! Man, that is a lot of dongs. My bad everyone. Sorry for the dongs.

I've said this before, but it's biggest problem was that it was a 'story'. It should've been more episodic with Jessica handling a bunch of cases and then the overarching story of her dealing with the Purple Man thing. Kind of like the comic. That's the whole reason you have a PI…it's the more modern version of a

Scarlet is terrible because he's trying to address 'issues' head-on. That rarely comes out well, and most often just feels like a simplistic polemic.

He can't write grandeur at all. The Civil War 2 stuff where Thanos, a guy who they've built up for how many Marvel movies as a big important bad, just gets confronted like he's a common bank robber is an example. That's why his best superhero stuff is usually the stuff where the superhero stuff almost is treated as

I cannot fathom a world where you think you're actually winning this argument, dude. Your lack of knowledge about how private attorneys can and often are appointed to indigent clients was when you should've backed out and hoped nobody would notice that post.

So, not as worthy of your support as Putin?

I actually think people like Ghostbusters more than those other movies. Which is crazy because Robocop, but I think it's there.

So are we just not going to talk about how that movie clip is horrible?

It's almost as if the majority of any sort of medium is crap!

In the movies, Mystique is now the star and the character everybody else admires. In no way related to the fact that JLaw is now more famous than the original part.

It's annoying and it's absurd. Getting somebody fired, especially under circumstances like this, is a horrific thing and for some reason, people can't seem to put themselves in their shoes.

"Alan Moore signed a contract way back then, didn't he? Did he ever owned those characters?"

The thing is, I'm not that much of a snob. I read superhero comics. I enjoy them. I like crappy action movies from the 1980's and 1990's. But I also am able to compartmentalize and say "Maybe we don't need to mix Taxi Driver and Lethal Weapon." I don't care if you like Flash comics. More power to you and

I just love the actual art form of comics, and not just cartoon characters. I think it's sad that so many fans are willing to sell out that art form because they want to see Rorschach hang out with Batman or whatever other mindless consumer reasons people have.