
You think people are interested in this series because of Barry and Wally's reunion? I don't see many articles on that particular plot development.

Good metaphor. Fuck comics as a medium for art. It's really a medium for overgrown children in a playpen.

Counterpoint: The only reason people are interested in this crossover is due to the appearance of the Watchmen characters, which is DC crossing an unwritten rule they themselves established for twenty-some years. Which Geoff Johns knows. This isn't them deciding to use Plastic Man or whatever and their actions are

It's obvious they aren't going to treat Moore magnanimously and deferential towards Moore. They don't treat a lot of people well and historically have not. I am bugged by the people that cheer lead that behavior as if the Time-Warner comics division is their best friend. But to each their own.

It's not even a de facto suspension. Dude, ignoring the fact the gun lobby is the most powerful lobby in the entire country. Ignoring the fact that this isn't just about three cities which are fighting a losing battle against gun violence and even they can't do shit about guns and the rest of the country has seen

I don't even know how to respond to this. They are not even remotely in the same ballpark. They're not even the same sport.

Allowing litigation against gun manufacturers is another thing that is not "suspending the Second Amendment."

I think it's kind of funny that DC is doing this story, acting like it's anything new when Grant Morrison has done his "Watchmen ruined the fun of comics" stories for years. Seven Soldiers and Multiversity is explicitly about the same stuff as this, but used such clever things as metaphors rather than "O LOOK GAIZ,

I don't need or want Watchmen Team-Up in my life.

I don't care about contracts. Why would I? I care about the art.

Time Warner wasn't involved at all. And then Disney bought Marvel and Time Warner remembered they own DC. After that, we got new people in charge, moving the HQ to Hollywood, destroying Vertigo (because the movie rights are harder) and stunt after stunt.

Mashing Watchmen up with the most masturbatory, trivia-filled piece of nerdity that is Crisis on Infinite Earths is the most Geoff Johns thing that could've ever Geoff Johned.

"I know this sounds mean, but all I’m saying is that comics are a medium where one creator feeds off the work of others. That’s the nature of the beast (I guess I should amend that to say superhero comics). "

Imagine thinking that Watchmen's characters are just minor tweaks of Charlton characters and that's all.

I'm assume it's Kubert if the last ten or so years is any indication. That dude can't make a deadline and it's silly they launched this project without issues in the can.

HE'S BEEN SAYING IT FOR YEARS! Every time, the same song and dance. Infinite Crisis was supposed to be the dark before the dawn and so on and so on and so on. I don't really care if the comics are light or dark, but it's a con coming from this dude.

Probably. They signed an agreement which is legally binding and it sucks for them, but that's that. Moore gave them a novel. They get to hold onto the rights to that novel so long as it stays in print. Pretty straight forward.

Wildy divergent situations is the key there. Nobody thinks what Moore is doing is putting out official sequels to those books. It is essentially literary commentary through fiction.

Alan Moore, whether you think he got screwed or not, objectively gave DC something that it can say is art and high culture.

I like how in that article how it says she'll suspend the Second Amendment. Which is a very particular thing to do and not just 'disagree about gun control laws', so clearly it is talked about in the article that you posted.