
Suspend the second amendment? OK, you're a crazy person.

But those sins are things the Green party wasn't worried about like refusing to do anything on the environment until it was too late, and allowing unlimited corporate money to flow into elections! And a war! Why would they are care about that stuff?

Almost comically so!

Interesting viewpoint. Apropos of nothing, here is an excerpt from King's aforementioned masterpiece.

You're right. It probably just cost him Florida which wasn't that big a deal in that election at all.

The reason for Trump is simple. It's probably the same reason you notice the 'left getting intense'. People on both sides don't have to challenge their own viewpoints. You can now choose your news, choose the information you receive, and shut out any contrary positions. You can go down your particular crazy path

He actually wrote an alternate history about holier-than-thou liberals supporting a third party candidate, leading to the election of a dangerous man who ran contrary to all of their ideals.

"No, not Michael Chabon!"

Or People objecting to Paul Feig.

The only word to describe this show is insufferable.

Those numbers seem crazy to me in general. Anorexia is a more fatal mental illness than depression, PTSD and others?

I think that's applying a level of scrutiny that this show won't live up to. They provided an explanation. It moves the plot forward and isn't too egregious.

She didn't explicitly shut down their law firm. It's suggested that nobody wants to hire them for criminal work because they are on her bad side, therefore making it more difficult for their potential clients

It's a selective use of history. They can claim to be the party of Lincoln and that a large chunk of the people supporting segregation in the South were Democrats. Then they just skip over the part where those people were courted and became a large chunk of the base of the Republican party when Johnson supported the

Christ was persecuted. Christians used to be persecuted by the Romans. It makes them feel like they're martyrs…suffering for their faith and therefore they can feel like their faith is pure as it withstood terrible tests like Kevin Sorbo sneering at them.

Ozymandias could be the one with snappiest comeback line. He could be the biggest badass of them all. He is arguably the winner. He is arguably the most ruthless one. He does things his own way. He suffers.

The whole background of the story is that we are mere seconds away from destroying everybody and that even a mistake was likely to cause nuclear ruin. That's the whole concept of MAD…nuke first and ask questions later. If the Russians took their time and rationalized that Dr. Manhattan attacked New York City and

Nah, man. The whole point of Watchmen's take on superheroes was that these are damaged people in their own ways and all have their flaws. Ozymandias is condemned in mind of the reader because he did something horrible, but he did it for the "right" reasons. Rorschach would doom the planet to a death in order to

Or you could embrace ambiguity and imperfection in all of the characters, like the text does. Maybe that is something Snyder reserves for Superman.

Snyder's fix for the space squid was so ridiculous. The whole thing is about preventing Mutually Assured Destruction, which was mere seconds away from happening, so he thought the big fix would be to have America's well-known super weapon level Moscow. That'll convince those Russians not to drop bombs immediately