
You could do the arms race without the galaxy exploding with the unnecessary shot of the people on the planet. It was the same lazy thing he did on Star Trek and a version of it was already done in Star Wars, but wasn't played for so little emotional impact.

Yeah and that part was the shittiest, dumbest and most unnecessary part of the new Star Wars

You don't know who I am attracted to and that's an assumption based on nothing. You are denying biology as a component to sexual attraction which is something I've heard from conservatives for decades.

Anybody should be skeeved out by anybody liking them for only one thing. If somebody said to me I like you because you are a male, that would still be creepy and weird. But physical attraction is what gets us in the door with people. It's what makes you want to get to know somebody, not the end all be all

Does the same hold true for gay people? Can they be fixed when they are free of their hangups? Asking for some friends!

Sounds? You didn't even watch it?

We totally want to watch art about dudes paying their bills on time.

Jessica Jones is about a PI. It was tailor made for an episodic series with a connecting and overarching spine. Like the comic. Focusing on the one arc for episode after episode made it so uninteresting and intolerable about the midpoint

There were two main problems I had with the first season. The first is we never got to see Wilson Fisk as competent on a level that warranted the respect he was supposed to receive. The second is the repeated annoying melodrama between Karen,Matt and Foggy. It felt completely unearned and repetitive and dragged

I hope they don't push them to the background. Off a cliff might be better

Counterpoint: ninjas are and continue to be awesome

He's hiding behind his cast. He's been doing it for years. It's pure self-defense masquerading as concern for others and it's annoying.

He should really be more inclusive and tolerant of the people supporting a movie about how no matter how good a person you are, you deserve to live in hell on earth if you aren't a christian

It has to do with anything solely because there are reasons beyond sexism why people may think this movie looks like shit. That's it. It's not a net negative or positive either way, but it sometimes is lost in all of these weird gender arguments that the lens of this movie is still shot through a white male's

The repetitive arguments that clog up every goddamn entertainment argument are so annoying. Neckbeard MRA's hate this movie. We get it. They also hated Star Wars. It's making like a trillion dollars. Get over it. They're powerless nerds, so marginalized by society that they are threatened by girls in

Hey, but you have to give it back the half letter grade for including a head spinning round gag! It's about time somebody took on the Exorcist!

"That's going to leave a mark!"

I tap out. That comment just proves I should never have engaged in the first place. So little substance, but said with
Such a nasty tone

These are just Marco Rubioesque talking points at this stage. Nothing I have said would have that effect and just in case somebody would take it to mean something absurd, let me clarify. I think it is entirely capable for human beings to treat survivors with the utmost respect and comfort without leaping to mob

Fuck right off with your MRA bullshit. Invoking the internet boogeyman doesn't mean anything to me except you keep empowering lonely idiots congregating on reddit like they're super villains capable of anything other than being gross morons. It's just another way to shut down an adult conversation. Nobody is