
I don't know what to say about this series other than the fact that the case is presented so dishonestly that I don't trust the filmmakers at all and don't feel I can make an accurate judgment about this case based on what they showed me. I gave them the benefit of the doubt at first though I thought it was weird

I agree. This case is perfect and super important for people who primarily get their news and information from entertainment websites and Netflix TV shows.

There's no such legal term as 'legally innocent'. You can find someone not guilty…you don't find them innocent. Which is an important distinction that some people here are not getting. Just because you don't think the guy should have been convicted doesn't mean he didn't do it.

He stayed fat for a short period afterwards which didn't help.

I remember when Ivan Lendl dismissed early Andre Agassi as a haircut and a forehand. Does anybody know if Esposito has a forehand?

I think most of the reason people like her is that she clicks those boxes for people. The only thing she lacks is actually being funny.

As an objective measure? Sure, it wasn't the worst movie ever made. I will say that Attack of the Clones, however, was one of the worst experiences I've ever had watching a movie due to the sheer pointlessness of it all. The only scene that I cared about in the least was the Sand People massacre. Every other

If anybody hadn't seen the Star Wars movies, would anyone think Attack of the Clones makes sense or is a good movie? My main problem with Attack of the Clones is its terrible as a standalone movie. The only reason it exists and the only reason anybody ever would have positive feelings about it is that it is attached

I feel bad for Jake Lloyd that his life turned out to be a disaster and nobody deserves that. But he was a bad child actor whose bad acting was made worse due to a bad script. Now, that isn't his fault. He didn't ruin Star Wars. It's not like he was intentionally trying to be a bad actor and people that go after

Nah. The first movie had its moments. There were some genuinely good action moments and that lightsaber fight was both exciting and had some really cool visuals. Everybody knows the bad parts, but there were some good things in that film.

I prefer Parappa the Rappa.

In addition to being obscure, Yahoo Screen was a pretty bad watching experience. I don't know if anybody else had these problems, but I watched it on my XBox 360 and I can't tell you how many times during Community that a commercial would play right in the middle of a scene and often in the middle of a joke. Other


Fuck this shit. I went to see a couple of bands play, liked their music and wanted to buy some of their stuff. They were selling cassettes. No CDs and not even any vinyl. Thanks, but no thanks. Your retro-hipsterism is 'cool' and all, but I'm not going to buy a cassette player, screw around with rewinding to

Tell us again about your views on how Russia is totally cool. You can even like your own post!

On the other hand, the guy's name is Tim McVay, so let him enjoy his distraction.

I don't know, but now that I know this person has a reference, I can see they're legit.

I hate that song more than almost any other song. Every time it used to come on the radio, I started punching buttons like mad to escape it.

I watch the League, but I've never really got into it wholeheartedly. I never really knew why, but now I think I do. I have always blamed the lack of likeable characters, but I like other shows with less likeable characters. Even though I often find myself thinking Andre, of all people, is the only decent one of the

It's not a low bar in comics. Ask Tony Moore what he thinks of creator-ownership as Robert Kirkman continues to make his millions.