
Not Cool was a complete exercise in narcissism. Spoiler alert: The climax of the movie comes when Shane Dawson cuts his trademark hairstyle into another normal hairstyle to prove his love for a woman. He thought THAT would be a powerful moment in his film.

Reading this makes me realize how scary it is that people think that because you are successful at your (private) job that all your secrets should be divulged to the public despite said public having absolutely no need for this knowledge. Did you have any idea this guy existed before this scandal?

It's already been pointed out to him. I'd stop arguing with him.

He's definitely not a public figure in that the general public had no idea who he was prior to this article. Just because someone works at a publicly traded company (like who doesn't?) doesn't make them a public figure.

Paul Feig and Amy Schumer?!?!? It'll be a good time for mediocre comed- I mean…grand social strides that need to be talked about incessantly.

What are people reading where they keep saying they think Dark Knight Returns has aged badly? The art and sequential storytelling in that book is still ten times ahead of almost anything being produced today. Just the pacing and control of the page alone should be taught at every comics school.

Yes, I'm sure that he can fix it all up there with the accounting division of a company that doesn't even actually own reddit.

He's an accountant for a company that owns stock in Reddit. Give me a break.

David Simon liked David Simon before liking David Simon was cool.

"Ant-Man builds a smaller, lighter Marvel movie."

First off, most state (as opposed to federal) prosecutors aren't making high salaries and are subject to high workloads. The backups in Rikers are just as much a fault of not enough prosecutors ; high case loads; and not enough court resources as anything else. (It's even noted in the articles cited). If the

There's no point in a back and forth with a guy who has all the answers. Other people have informed you of where you're wrong and you dismiss them as naive like a dude spouting off about 'jet fuel burning steel'

On the one hand, you don't know what you're talking about. But on the other hand you are incredibly arrogant in your ability to think that you do.

Maybe they could have cut out the parts that were almost exact duplicates of prior scenes instead of the parts that made the plot make sense? How many times did we need to see Channing Kangeroo sweep in at the last second to prevent Jupiter from making a mistake?

Saying Jupiter Ascending was bad is the closest thing to an objective opinion we can have in film. I don't think I've ever seen a movie repeat the same action sequence twice (them racing to save Jupiter before she weds one dude/them racing to save Jupiter before she signs the contract). That's bad film making.

Comedians navelgazing about comedy?!?! Why, I never!

I met Palahniuk back when I was in college. Dude was very muscular and had long hair and this was shortly after the Fight Club film. I later read an article that he stopped lifting, cut off his hair, and sold all his clothes. He later came out as gay, but not sure that has to do with anything.

He packed a suitcase!

I'm guessing people didn't want to live in a world where their free time is consumed by buying stocks and bonds?

We all know the nerd culture is going to die and it'll probably be time when it does. Lord knows, I'm weary of the superhero movies and I am a lifelong comic book fan.