
I thought it was 'critics' that ruined the movie. Or Jennifer Garner.

He can still do it. He did wonderful in Looper. He just doesn't seem to care much anymore for anything that is just boilerplate action/crime.

As fans of art, do we want that? Do we really want like four 'cable' channels with any chance of producing something worth watching?

Tennis and the PGA tour also have rules regulating the equipment. There is a ton of variation, but it has to stay within certain guidelines in order to ensure a certain amount of fairness.

This is NEVER going to be stop being funny.

'Also, if I was going to make shit up i'd repeatedly be using the phrase: "I'm not a Patriots fan, but''

If by 'explicit' you mean there is no text that says "Tom Brady explicitly ordered us to deflate balls," you are correct.

I hope none of you guys are on a jury.

But what you keep doing is breaking this down into component parts and not looking at the big picture. Brady was implicated by text messages. At this point, it is more probable than not that he was involved. There was a greater than 50 percent chance. By disclosing his phone and cooperating, he could have reduced

He didn't receive a suspension or fine because he wasn't implicated by the circumstantial evidence.

He's not going to court over the suspension. He'll appeal it to an arbitrator, but in court they have stuff like discovery where you're not allowed to refuse to turn over your phone.

Man, Paul Pierce really took his time in Boston seriously.

The lizard people also didn't want Tom Brady playing for the leagues opening game because lizard people reasons.

Hey, does anybody know if another QB, say Aaron Rodgers, said something once about air pressure in balls? I think that'd be cool to know and it probably should be repeated 40 or so times if it did.

Yeah, it's a bigger story because the Patriots are good and won the Super Bowl the year they got caught cheating. As it would be in every sport. People would be more upset if they learned Micheal Jordan cheated than if Mugsy Bogues cheated. Cheating is 'worse' when the cheaters seemingly benefit from cheating.

Please stop. We get it. Aaron Rodgers once said he liked his footballs almost overinflated. That's not the same as sneaking them into the bathroom after the refs check them in order to tamper with them.

How do we know anybody doesn't? We don't. But especially Tom Brady because he got caught.

This is just like the part in Teen Wolf where he decides that he doesn't need to be the wolf, he can just be plain old Michael J. Fox. Remember Teen Wolf?

This is the best news I've heard all day. Anything to keep the hilarity going. But I'm also in agreement that Jerry Rice be suspended from playing for four games. It's only fair.

Where was the corny slasher part? After the credits? I didn't stay that long.