
Seriously, this scandal is the greatest thing ever. I could read posts like this all day. At least the 9/11 truthers are concerned about a building coming down. You're refusing to believe a quarterback had footballs deflated. No allusions to Ray Rice are going to make that any less silly.

Guide To Enjoying Ballghazi for Patriots Haters:

I agree it sucks for the wrestlers and the WWF, as a whole, is a pretty disgusting organization. But attendance is a massive part of their income. The shows are, for the most part, an advertisement for their live shows.

Making a ton of money? WWF is like the Harlem Globetrotters or the circus. They make a ton of money off selling seats to their shows.

Without giving too much of my time to politics, the thing that is most annoying about this time is now people are pretty much relying on sources for their own history/facts. You literally do not have to have your viewpoints challenged on anything unless you choose to be. One of the most telling things for me was the

This is an interesting article. In the past few years, I have grown increasingly impatient with people writing works off due solely to ideas and because they are 'problematic' in some way or another. Art is art and should challenge some ideas that I hold dear. I think On the Waterfront is a great film, but the

Don't have the time to really give it a great readthrough, but here is a pretty good article talking about the composition of the pages. Just looking at these pages, you can see the genius at play especially if you know how different it was from what was being produced at the time.

What comic books do you think are good? I need some reference point.

It's a masterpiece. The stuff he's did with the visuals alone warrant its legendary status.

On a scale of 1-10, how Whedon-y is it? Full of quips and people talking in the same voice? Unimpressive visual direction?

Yeah, this violence is probably going to finally solve things. Just fix em all up there.

I don't understand the Hollywood need to clutter up a great design by adding a bunch of unnecessary stuff to it. Did anyone think the Shredder looked good in that movie?

Are people really comparing this to general work experience? If you are, I'd expect most people have times at their job when they can slack off..like say, spending time writing jokes. They also have times they are required and expected to perform. I'd imagine most people would be in trouble for not doing it and

What? If I go to a movie theater and the projectionist fails to turn on the movie or they turn it on upside down, I'd expect my money back.

Do most comedians have nights where they refuse to do an act? Because I would say that would be strange for comedians to do as that is kind of their job.

Or they just could go with what works and has yet to be depicted well in film. That's the other option. The good one.

"I don't see how Matt is so in love with her other than the fact that she helps him from time to time and is played Rosario Dawson."

I hope so.

Yeah, it's all that propaganda I'm getting from the state-owned and run news station. The kind that's leading to a scary level of nationalism, conservatism and a white-washing of history.