
Yes, but by accident.

This is bad. Actual, literal state propaganda from a tyrant in Russia is totally copacetic though. Interesting ethos.


The answer is yes, the writing gets better though it is no way as dire as you portray it. The important thing to remember was that Miller was doing something new in a monthly comic so he had to work within the constraints of what he was given and allowed to do. The reintroduction to the character is part of that.

Well, if Gail Simone thinks it is good…

"Its fans need to watch more tv."

It was just as bad, but longer.

Frank Miller should answer for making Daredevil relevant. Character wouldn't even be around to complain about if it wasn't for him.

I'd prefer a good brooding serialized morass.

Yeah, it's not like there are any lightweight Marvel adaptations around nowadays. They should really start making some.

"And that god awful soundtrack.."

It's one of dose tings like they do on the Mystery Science Theater. Y'know, funny stuff?

All I want is that picture of my aunt back, which is worth at least $135 million dollars to me.

The original post that I responded to stated that the movie hardly mentions he's gay. That's the made-up problem and what I took issue with. Otherwise, we're probably on the same page.

I agree that relationships are not shown and that's a problem on its own merits and that is worth discussing.

"To be fair, most Crossfit athletes are also martial arts practitioners."

'A movie that hardly even mentions that the lead character is gay?"


That and saying "that's it, you're caught" after being confronted with the letter. The "killed them all, of course" is interesting, but the knowledge that he knows he's in trouble shows his culpability.

There is no expectation of privacy when you're not dealing with law enforcement officials. Particularly when you're involved in a documentary of your own choosing and you forget to take off your own mic when you go to the bathroom.