
Man, if I had voted for Adore to be the #1 Fan Favorite I would be mad as hell right now.

Shangela randomly popping out of things is an underrated Drag Race running gag.

We already know Greg's music career fails until Marty re-writes his song to sell burgers, so there's really no point in dragging it out. (Though he hasn't entirely given up music yet, since the episode ends with the implication that he's working on the songs that will become the 'Let Me Drive My Van into Your Car"

None of the Quartzes have white hair. Rose's hair is pink, Amethyst's hair is lavender, and Jasper's hair is beige. (thanks Guide to the Crystal Gems for those specific colors.)

My guess is that Rose killed Pink Diamond, and that was the turning point that made the remaining Diamonds unleash the "Gem Nuke" that corrupted most of the Gems on Earth.

I was half-expecting the show to out Kim Chi to her mother for the sake of a video, and was relieved when they didn't.

Bob was so completely outshined by Violet Chachki in those final moments I don't even remember what she was wearing.

As Drag U already proved, I'll sit through any uneven game show RuPaul puts out if it means seeing queens like Manilla and Katya again.

As soon as Bob was gushing about possibly being the first contestant to win three times (she knows her history as much as Sam Smith) I was over her showboating. It's telling that so many of the other queens are rooting for Bob to fall, whereas Sharon and Bianca were basically well-liked by the rest of their

Red kimonos also *seem* like something that would already be in a lot of drag queens' wardrobes, so it really doesn't feel as original as if they'd made a "Material Girl" or "Like a Virgin" look. (Personally, I would have loved a Breathless Mahoney look.)

"But I think Snatch Game sucks."
Oh, she's dead.

A big thing is that, like, after 8 seasons of Snatch Game the queens are running low on big female celebrities that lend themselves to parody. So the queens risk repeating past contestants (we've had multiple Chers, Gagas, Britneys, and Carol Channings), going more obscure (Little Edie, Diana Vreeland), or playing

Damn, the sad queen backstories are brutal this year. Poor Thorgy, glad she at least got to beat Naysha with a broom.

Kim has an underdog vulnerability that other Team Look contestants like Violet and Pearl never had. She actually reminds me more of Jinkx.

Yeah, my guess is that Ru is calling in someone totally new.

Kim Chi: "I'm still a virgin."
Chi Chi: "I know what human brains smell like."

Everyone has their own style but it was impressive how Naysha completely missed the energy and rhythm of the song. What drag queen doesn't know how to dance to Lady Gaga?

Morgan McMichaels shooting a ping pong ball out of her ass has to be one of the weirdest things to ever happen on this show.

I don't think they ruined Pacifica. She would always be a little spoiled, even if she isn't evil like her parents. Could you imagine Season 1 Pacifica going to Mabel and Dipper's party, or wrapping their presents herself? Or signing the letter to Dipper?

Every time the show reminds us that Peralta sees murders and hostage situations like a way cool action movie that he's the star of, I cringe.