
Several original actors are semi-officially confirmed because they've been photographed on set with Lynch.

There were those rumors that Absolut did not want Sharon and Jinkx to win, if that's the kind of thing you mean.

What a weird fucking season.

Kennedy's not going to make it to the Top 3.

I was thinking the exact same thing about Kennedy!

Selina's scenes with Fish pass the Bechdel Test.

If they haven't bothered to update the Adventure Time opening after six seasons, I wouldn't expect a new SU opening any time soon.

It didn't help that Fame was wearing the worst possible dress to lip sync in. You couldn't see her body or movements (such as they were) at all.

Katya was the MVP of this episode. I worry that she's destined to become another Pandora Boxx or Jujubee though—a queen that's basically Drag Race Royalty with fans but bizarrely overlooked by the judges during her season.

Trixie is so much more entertaining and energetic when she's not in drag, it's weird.

That scene was so weirdly and choppily edited I'm inclined to believe Max.

At this point, Ru is clearly fucking with us and our expectations, probably to keep the show "fresh" in its seventh season. As soon as Ru pulled the "I'm bringing back one of the eliminated queens" reveal out of her wig it became clear that the controversial eliminations (Max, Trixie, etc.) were engineered for a

The song was necessary because it's what draws Rose to Greg in the first place and sparks their initial attraction. Without it, we'd kind of never know what she saw in him at all.

That's totally possible, I mean, the show does like to create specific narratives for the contestants so she may be getting a "nice" edit. It'll be interesting if we hear more about it.

Max has also been really supportive and kind within her groups, like when she encouraged Jaidynn in the middle of her breakdown. She has a pretty positive attitude, like in this episode it would have been easy to bitch about being paired with Kandy and Violet, but she was like "I'll whip them into shape!" instead. She

Milk got a lot of shit thrown at her style of drag, so I don't even know how "she's hot as a boy so she gets nothing but praise" is supposed to make sense?

I'm surprised this review argued Ginj was the closest to Drag Race royalty when the big breakthrough was Miss Fame's. Like her ~brand~ or not, that chicken montage was legendary, Alyssa Edwards-level insanity. It was glorious.

A thing about being a drag queen who becomes a contestant on Drag Race is that sometimes what makes them a great performer in the club or onstage does not come across at all on television—at least not without a lot of re-working or editing. I think that's what's happening to Pearl, and it's thrown her so severely for

I think they deserved it. Pearl took the criticism to heart and finally burst out of her shell, and it was a huge improvement over her Valium-induced performance in Macbitch. Max was pretty comfortable on stage and landed her jokes. They were a strong team, but there were a lot of strong performers and nobody crashed

How about that Purple Rain reference?