
Agreed. Trixie's lip sync was too cutesy and literal, while Pearl's was more punk and ferocious, especially in that snake costume,

Poor Katya. How does she keep getting stuck with these teams?

Lapis felt trapped no matter what. She spent thousands of years imprisoned on Earth, then fled back to Homeworld, which not only imprisoned her again but had also drastically changed beyond her understanding. Even if Lapis was "free" she no longer has any home to return to. If every place is a prison to her, chaining

My guess is that Stevonnie was only possible because Steven's half-human.

"Nobody cares, Moby. Nobody cares."

The one thing that's good about Untucked being moved to Youtube is that's there's no pixelation, and you can get a better look at the nude illusions.

In Untucked Max is called out on the accent immediately (and called "the Madonna of Drag Race") so hopefully she'll move past it.

It might be too early to tell. I definitely wouldn't have pegged Bianca becoming the den mother after her first episode.

Yeah, the Laganja-comparison seemed pretty harsh, especially since Max wasn't the only queen who came in with props. (And I say this as someone who rolled her eyes pretty hard at the runway crutches.)

Alaska's "I got a tear-away under my tear-away, HAAAAAY!" puppet impersonation of Roxxy lives forever in my heart.

I can see it as a safety measure, like not wanting to give away how many people you have on your side in case you meet someone untrustworthy. But it was played awkwardly.

They could have given Thompson a billion sad WWII stories to humanize him or improve his relationship with Peggy, and they gave him that one? Such a weird turn in what was otherwise a really good episode.

Then he should have said, "I made a split second call, and it was the wrong one" instead of lying and covering it up. When you accidentally kill the wrong people, you don't cover it up to save your career. (Even in circumstances where it's not a war crime.)

Killing surrendering soldiers is considered a war crime. Even if was initially an accident, Thompson hid their white flags and lied to save his ass, and accepted an honor he did not deserve. It's ugly business, and I'm surprised the show brushed it off as easily as it did.

I'm still flabbergasted that what cements the newfound respect between Carter and Thompson is the revelation that he committed a war crime and covered it up. Like, holy shit, Thompson is awful.

Yeah, seriously.

The guy was corrupt, but I don't think we're really meant to see Nygma's actions as good or admirable—it was still a really creepy thing to do, and was done for his own selfish ends (not for the greater good of the GCPD). And he was suspended to begin with because he disobeyed orders because he's so sure he's always

I don't know how you can think this show has forgotten Nygma is a future villain when the big thing he did this episode was frame his boss with stolen body parts stuffed in a locker.

Ben Schwartz has said that there's one last Jean-Ralphio appearance coming, but I don't know about Jenny Slate or Henry Winkler.

hey, we still have Julie Newmar!