
Penn is a Hollywood star directing a movie with recognizable stars (it's worth remember that the festival always keep a few comp slots for movies that help American and French red carpet coverage) and who had movies in the competitiom before (I think both The Crossing Guard and Into the Wild were comp films), he also

That was pretty good. And I aprecciate it cames in an episode in which Monty and Jesper discuss Mt Wheater because Clark went genocide route in last year's finale to some extent to save Abby, so that she is now willing to let her mom die because there is too much at stake is a good callback.

I like some of those more than others, but it is good that they actually went with films that were bad received at the time that staff thinks are genuine good instead of going easy route with former flops that have since become canon (except for, well, The Abyss).

I think the major problem with the flashback is that it didn't really achieve much that narrative shorthand hadn't already done. When they introduced Pike as the Ark's main teacher, it was clear that he was someone that had good intentions that was hardened by war. So of course he was worried about sending the kids

Agree. Mount Weather is a key part of the emotional undercurrent of the
season but it was only allowed to surface once in a while. Actually that is one of the main reasons this season has been so unfocused: the Mount Weather stuff seem to be on the writer's board about character's motivations, but is only rarely

This show has a long history of not seriously dealing with large massacres unless they can filter it through individual people. Ton, DC never happened because no one we know died, Mt Weather is all about Maya and so on, so it makes sense that Bellamy confronting that he help kill 300 people gets represented by Nyla's

I think it is a lock that at least half of those piracy numbers if not more are foreign. What's the major incentive for an American to pirate an NBC show? I guess there's people who probably can't control their family's TV or aren't home the night it airs and just think download is easier than going to NBC site and

There were still a small risk the gloves did fit. Also it would be very easy for Clark to just dismiss it by pointing out that the gloves got to small. It felt a lot stronger coming from the DAs.

There were enough other bad stuff the defense case probably could get away without the gloves, but there is a reason wh6 Cochran manage to turn it in a major catchphrase of his closing arguments it was one of the worst blunders of a big series of them.

There were three major blunders that undone the case one by Darden,one by Clark and one by the LAPD. Darden's was the gloves, Clark was her embracing of Furman as probably a good cop that was being treated unfairly by defense and media which blow up in their faces less on Bailey's cross examination which was perceived

It is worse. Darden did almost zero preparing for the glove stuff to the point that according to Toobin he and the expert witness had literally zero face to face time prior to he going up at the stand (if memory serves the guy was usually the LA office glove expert if they need one, but he literally didn't know he

It seems to be consensus that competition is lacking this year.

You just described his role.

Bonus point for managing to write a whole review of Saint Lauremt without mentioning Visconti.

In this case there was no way not to show us chunks of the text given tha the heart of the film is Binoche and Stewart doing line readings for the play. That said, I don't think we are suppose to take the actual production Binoche is working one as especially good.

I'm pretty sure Ignatiy likes Tashlin, I assume what he wants to say is that watching something like
Persona and suddenly getting a couple of scenes out The Girl Can't Help
It is pretty jarring.

I knew VanDerWerff wouldn't manage to stay away from here for long.

The series had a huge problem with despicting life in the fleet and I think that has a lot to do with a fundamental problem the show had: it love to function as political allegory and did it very well in many cases (lke new Caprica) but whatever the allegory gets to literal it ran into dramatic trouble because its

We know little about Ted's background so I think one has to assume that unlike Don, he probably comes from money and put a larger share of the investiment to start his old company. That helps explain why Cutler was clearly very unhappy with the merger but felt forced to come along and why he has been so patient with

In Eli's own way he did just that.