Jonathan Brown

The male version of this is called Spermicide. Here all week people…

Don't you mean spermicide?

Agree but at the same time, this is not something that would even cross my mind to say. Such an odd comment. I think it shows she has no idea of the impact of an abortion.

From her Twitter it looks like she claims the comment was made sarcastically - I'm not sure what's worse making the comment straight or making it sarcastically.

Ok - so has there actually been any films made where someone has sex with themselves - ie a doppleganger - not, you know, with their hand.

Excellent series. Wasn't expecting to like it but it's really very good. Think the third season (if they get one) will have to ditch Dylan's flashback, but could possibly start to focus on Luke's, while also keeping the tension between Dylan, Evie and Abigal bubbling away.

They've essentially remade Moon but recast Sam Rockwell as Chris Prartt andJennifer Lawrence

Yeah, sounds like it'd actually make a good novel - or episode of Black Mirror.

It does have a bit of a tinge of Marvel-itis. Looks fun and will have a smart script, but visually looks like every other one of their films.

"You're an inanimate f***** object!"

Don't think it was Grand Budapest that 'awoke' Fiennes. If anything was In Bruge, a genius comic creation

And for Pretty Woman

Tom Cruise: The Mummy, you say. Sounds like fun. But…isn't the Mummy, you know, quite slow?
Worried agents: (Hastily rewrites script) Er, not in this one.
Tom Cruise: Great, I'll get my running shoes on.

Can believe there was only 12 years between this and the first Bourne. Shows how much film changed in that time. Oh, and get your ass to Mars!

1. Chasing Amy

Most famous teenager in the world? Out side of America, people barely know who he is.

Think she signed up for this before she got the Oscar. But, hell, who would't. Looks like it'll have been a blast to film, great cast to work with (hiddleston, Goodman, Jackson, Riley), and lots of money. If it fails, it's not your fault as you're not carrying the movie. If it's a success, you can claim part credit.

Good point. Guess the theory is that people haven't visited the island because of the big ape, so haven't had a chance to see the other stuff. But in this one, that doesn't seem to be the case. Though they don't specify in this trailer that they're going to see Kong.

Ok. Looks like ridiculous fun. Count me in.

I assume they're holding back the great glass elevator for a sequel (possibly after rebooting the original story with the new back-storied Wonka.