Jonathan Brown

Looks like classic 90s TV.

It's my bechdel test. Preferably, it'd have two feral children who have at least one conversation that doesn't involve men.

Looks interesting. Though I always find that Rooney Mara has somewhat of an ironic distance. Maybe it's just the characters she plays but she doesn't convey warmth. Though I've not seen Carol.

Looks good. She looks feral in it. Awesome.

Looks like chornicle meets transformers

Just bought the Seinfeld completed DVD collection (to replace my older, scratch, foreign import, lost single collections) and found that it's available on Amazon Prime in the UK - where was the news about that, AV Club?

Some remakes I get. This? Not so sure. It worked on the chemistry of the leads, not the story premise. Surely, there's room in this world for another street basketball movie with an original plot? Do they have to remake this? It seems similar to the Point Break one. You're not going to get a Swayze/Reeves or

If you can't joke about movies then it's a sad day. no movie - no matter how great - is above reproach.

I've struggled through the title with so many people. My wife still gets it confused with the Princess Diaries.

Were you using Bonettis defence?

His Fingers Go To Eleven - genius.

"the action isn’t actually that exciting" - er, what. The fencing duel is one of the best sword fight scenes in history.

Regardless of whether Fiennes should have been cast, it's a weak move by Sky Arts to back down and pull it. They know what they were getting themselves into and the first sign of a backlash (which was pretty inevitable) they throw their talent to the wolves.

See comments section for 'Starsky and Hutch' and '21 Jump Street'.

There's going to have to be some level of CGI Leia - even if it's just a single (death) scene. The other option is to kill her off screen, which I think is even more disrespectful. Or write her out ('Leia, you say. Think she's on holiday at the moment'), again, not ideal.

And yet the continue to make money. Don't people have better things to do in January?

Poop in the bed and the episode with the glory hole, if only for Dennis' looming shadow

I think it's because the comic motivations are a lot simpler. Parent's killed. Become vigilante. In a 2 hour movie, if you try to fit in a more in depth motivation, along with origin story and primary story, plus villains story, then things get too complicated. The good ones can manage it, though. Especially if given

And the films would be much shorter. It's also why the villains all like to 'play games' - because real villains would kill the heroes in a second.

Imagining some good cape-based banter between Strange and Thor. Who wears it best etc.