Jonathan Brown

What about Dumpster Baby?

Actually, I've just looked up said story and it appears he was named after all, so, yeah he allegedly "carried out a sex act on himself" while getting a massage in Scotland. While on his honeymoon.

Don't think Costner's the straight talking shy guy you think he is if the stories I've heard about him are true.

Chris Pine? Or the wood? Because you know oak's pretty much got it covered.

Just realised that Chris Pratt reminds me of a young Bruce Willis, and has gone through a similar career path.

Sounds very similar to Kimmy.

The cast list for this just looks like they had no faith the film would make money so just stuck in someone for every market. Asian market - stick in Donnie Yen and Tony Jaa, India? Deepika Padukone. South America? Well, they love football so how about Neymar? The instagram generation? Ruby rose is hot right? What

"I am the one who stands behind you and knocks"

surely a lot of it comes from movie traditions (which are a bit sexist in themselves) of having the woman at the centre of the horror movie. Initially, a woman was probably used as she represented the most innocent and least able to protect themselves - perfect for demons, slashers etc to attack. Over time, it's just

I always feel like jump scares are like a release valve - you build up the tension build up, build then - Boo! Release, bit of a giggle, then start again. But then I wondered why any horror film maker would want this release - surely it's more effective to suggest a release is coming (the bomb, killer etc) but never

Mmmm - meatiness.

Ah, but what ratio of spices to meat?

Since when was adding cumin a tip - it's one of the key ingredients, otherwise you're just left with a kind of spicy bolognese sauce with a few beans in it.

Wick vs the Widow

All they need to do is get the film Lucy and super impose a black outfit over her and you're done.

I remember the talk before Avengers was all about how awesome Hawkeye was and how there was definitely going to be a movie.

Solar powered man - fighting crime where the sun does shine

Low-power heroes - now that's a Netflix series I'd watch.

You'd have to go back to the origins to make it work, otherwise you'd have Black Widow fighting super humans, which without the avengers, is a bit unfair. Think a Bourne-esque spy thriller set in Russia. Get a Scando-thriller director on board, go full Russia/Nordic noir.

Was referring to the quote from Diane Nelson, president of DC Entertainment and resident of Warner Bros. Consumer Products. Though I assume that should read "president of Warner Bros. Consumer Products"