Jonathan Brown

The Force Awakens was good. Only watched it once so withholding judgement on its greatness. plus, I saw it in my 30s, not as a young boy. But Gareth Edwards really isn't that proven as a director. Monsters was great, Godzilla underwhelming. But I'll judge this on its own merits - he's certainly got a good eye for big

I'm not the commenter you're looking for.

Don't listen. Producers quotes have absolutely no bearing on whether a movie is good or not. Much like Twitter reviews of advanced screenings. If fact, I'd say there is an adverse relationship to the amount of producers who come out to back a film and the final quality of the film.

Give it a year or two. It just needs one 'average' SW film to come out for people to backlash. It's like a tightly coiled spring just waiting to go off.

I'm in. But then again I said that about the Phantom Menace.

Awesome. love the film, though it always bugs me that Meg Ryan's character goes into a Starbucks in the film. Total hypocrit

Imagine there will be lots of free running over the rooftops of, probably, Morocco.

Don't worry, i've just upvoted you.

Downvote yourself!

Lesson of the day - don't employ Mark Whalberg, otherwise, you're heading for a disaster.

Unless you're in the Uk, in which case it's on Netflix. Think I'll be watching this one soon.

I don't believe that. There aren't enough leading black man roles going that both would be booked. You joker, you.

Aren't there any American black actors that could have played the lead? But seriously, big fan of Daniel Kaluuya since Psychoville.

There's a lot to like about this movie but it's the use of CGi that ruins much of it. The cliff top chase should have been awesome but all tension was removed by the poor CGI. Add to that the monkeys, and well… I don't even mind the aliens.

Exactly. Yet you know that the actual super smart detective knew it all along.

What i love about the movie is that it makes you feel clever. when the story clicks into place, it feel like you made it do it and it only all holds together in your mind if you concentrate. I'd struggle to explain it now, but after I watch it, I can go over every fine detail.

I always get Rollo Tamassi and Armin Tamzarian confused.

They say you can't judge a book by your cover, but, you know, you actually can. Avoid anything that looks like 1990s CGI or is in soft focus. Or has the words 'Grey' on the cover.

Yeah, The Departed is a good film, but I find it overwhelmed by big Jack and Mark Whalberg. Also, they felt the need to make Anthony Wong's character two in the Departed (Sheen and Wahlberg).

Couldn't agree more. Just compare the Texas Chainsaw original and remake. Think this is why the found footage became so popular as people were sick of slick, CGI'd ghosts and wanted something that felt more real.