Jonathan Brown

1 and 10 - nope. The original Ringu is fantastic and while the remake is good, it doesn't top the original's. Also, Infernal Affairs is still cool, classier and just better than The Departed.

Looks like Brandan Dassey needs some freedom!

Didn't realise the McPolye's were in this - someone going to get fork-stabbed.

I often get the feeling that Charlie is a genius, but only when pushed into it. Over the many seasons, when he's forced to he can pretty much master anything.

Loved the fart in the face joke. It's Charlie's grim and tone when he asked, 'And what can you smell down there' - everything about it, from the way Charlie slightly waves his butt to him getting into the position with a hand clap. Genius - or geni-arse.

Look like the BBC needs some freedom!

As mentioned lower down ,the only memorable theme from recent superhero movies is the Wonder Woman theme from BvS. Hope they keep it for the solo movie.

for all it's problems, the Wonder Woman theme from BvS

Not a huge hip hop fan but agree - that battle was awesome.

Sounds like the reviewer was out to hate it from the start. Thought it was a good way to finish the first half. Yes, there was no big cliff hanger, but thought it was a great episode. And a lot of the issues the reviewer has surely will be addressed in the second half (the speech's implications, Shaoilin's connection

Also, loving Justice Smith in this. One to watch

Was it cocaine overdose or heroin? Not up to my drugs, but he was definitely injecting.

Thoroughly enjoying the Get Down. Yes, it's all over the place, but in a fun way. tones shifts, but when you're dealing with a big canvas, not everyone's story is going to be the same. Also, Shaoilin's obession with Kung Fu makes you realise these are all just kids. Kids playing as gangsters and rappers, but still

Hello Newman!

No soup for you.

Agree. Thought the last two incarnations of of Lois were pretty wet. always felt she should be more of a slugging back whiskey, down the local bar hassling politicians, work before home life type.

He still has 'Trench Mauser' in the Expendables, possibly the most Arnie name ever, which I guess was the point.

Not your namesake. Or Marge's alter ego Chesty LaRue

Yes. All of them.

For intentional comedy, Dr Hfuhruhurr from the Man with Two Brains. For unintentional, pretty much any name Arnie or sly had in the 80s/90s - Julius Benedict, Jericho Cane, John Matrix, Ivan Danko, Raymond Tango, Ray Quick, Kit Latura..it just goes on