
If anything, it's an improvement: For Macbeth, insurrection is better than a faceoff.

The time machine booth ties into the bits about minorities and "sickies".

In the end she said it was an aborted baby.

Upvoted 10 times if I could.

It's one of his worst. The second half is a disaster.

I'd give it a C. Context.

They've always telegraphed the outcome, though. Melodrama 101.

I took it differently. Didn't she take up smoking as a model to stay thin, and didn't she take it up again when she gained all that weight?

How else could you analyze it?

You can't do that with him because with him it IS part of his work. And you know what? The best of it is still worthwhile. Don't think that applies to Ghost Writer, though. The final shot is brilliant, but that's all I can say for it.

It's the same fucking song, Salieri (perfect).

Not really. His response was very tepid but very NY Times.

There's not much point to WTNY without the orgy scenes.

Less historical dramedy than takedown of a very modern manchild? Hmm.

Whatever happened to Patrick Wilson's career?

It isn't a thriller. It's a domestic tragedy.


I hated Eastern Promises, but I'd never compare it to Inland Empire. It was more like in order to do something riskier such as Cosmopolis or MOTS he agreed to make this heavily commercial film, told very straight. The result is cheesy and drab, lacking his usual commitment and focus. I'd def call it his worst film.

The AAs were always an insider's game, and they've always awarded showboating. What can you do?

Women are heroic irl when they can get the guys in the room to work with them as a team, and that means soothing everybody's ego so no one feels discounted. But that isn't "kickass", is it?