
But Showgirls and Basic Instinct don't. Whatever he was doing with Ezsterhaz, it certainly wasn't satire.

So where's the art then? Spring Breakers was widely celebrated by those who maybe got a secret kick out of its sleaze, not its "satire".

It's a tantrum. Yawn.

Blonde on Blonde: Not shit, but larded with filler.
BOTT was prob his best, but Dylan doesn't make perfect albums..

That's because there's not much of anything on screen these days. Pauline Kael would probably be the first to remind you.

There were only a few women directing in the early days of filmmaking.

Because they were trying too hard to make a 1930's screwball comedy.

Upped for Tideland.

Maybe it was how it was played. Not this time.

Sometimes comedy is unintentional, especially on this show.

That isn't exclusive to True Detective. A lot of shows now are structured and even written like soaps. Start with Breaking Bad and work your way down.

Is there a difference between fan service and juvenile pandering?

You're right. It's all production values.

Yes, and he isn't the main character.

Or flashback scenes.

Too easy.

Do you take Now Voyager seriously?

Actually it's the other way around: A new film that is somewhat watchable tends to get high marks from reviewers, whereas an older film that is still known is expected to be a classic and held to a higher standard. That's the difference in grading I tend to see on sites like AVC.

Celebrity Skin was their best album.

Actually, thanks to her money troubles she's been selling off the rights a little bit at a time for years.