Dr Schaden Freude M.D.

I guess Kushner has to be Littlefinger then. Guess those Russian bank loans kept the realm afloat.

So Littlefinger is Bannon?

Gendry is on an island somewhere, sipping Mai Tais with Syrio Forel, and the Blackfish.

I once saw Social Distortion and Sonic Youth open up for Neil Young

I could also say Fugazi, but the combination of growing up in the DC area and only having to come up with five bucks to see them its unfair. I'll go with Social Distortion, mostly because they have been around a long time and never disappoint.

Val Kilmer will return as his new call sign: IceCream.

Say what you want about National Treasure, but at least that is one thing that Sean Bean didn't die in.

Apparently we now know the answer to " What Would Republican Jesus Do"?

Quite possibly the drunkest band Ive ever seen live.

Ugh, thanks for making my brain picture this.

In an actual reality show, this would be the perfect time for Putin to do his "big reveal" and release the real Trump tapes. Fox and Friends aren't the only people that are capable of "showering Trump with praise"

Once again… The level of hypocrisy on the Right is staggering. This is tame compared to Ted Nugent's statements on stage during Obama's Presidency. Where were the national headlines then? Remember when the Dixie Chicks dared to even criticize Bush?

Gomer Fett was a badass in the movie though

"Beep, Beep, MPAA"

The intro will be black and white and feature a man and his wookie skipping rocks across a pond while Jar Jar Binks whistles the theme music.

I'm guessing …Sugar Ray, ChumbaWumba, and 2-3 members of Limp Biskit.

Just had a wonderful Mad max inspired idea..

not to mention that whole "helping the poor" thing…

As long as the "White Walker: Texas Ranger" spinoff isn't delayed, I'm happy.

I hope Morgan Freeman narrates:
"Han Solo, the man who crawled through 500 yards of shit and came out clean the other end"