Dr Schaden Freude M.D.

Any headline is probably factual that begins with:

“Madea Gets Swindled” straight to DVD this Fall...

Um…he bankrupted THREE casinos.

"Our government are child molesting sick murderers !"
and that's just the President.*

Flammable Wine? Those guys are drinking straight grain alcohol.

I'm sure he will get nerfed in the next patch.

He's obviously a raid boss…an undead king…one could even say he could be considered …a lich king? The series finale may just be Jon and company trying not to step in the pools…

I think going from MENSA to MAGA shaves a few IQ points by default.

Davos didn't go. He said he was staying behind.

Normally i would have cut out after reading the words "James Woods thinks….", but this is one time I'm glad I didnt.

Nah…for him it's a normal Tuesday night.

Are Hashtag Liberals different than regular liberals?
If so, are they like the Sackville Bagginses of American politics?

Is he angling for Scott Baio's time slot at the 2020 Republican Convention?

I see Confederate monuments daily. At the only place they belong- A Civil War Battlefield.

Please don't try to use logic…it both confuses and enrages them.

A true, in the flesh, Grammer Nazi??

Ahem…Phil Hartman..You my remember him from such episodes as "Mr. Plow" and "Flaming Moe's"

I saw the Pixies open up for the only band more pretentious than Green Day..

DC Space, BBQ Iguana, Hung Jury…

oh, and may I suggest decaf and a kitten? Oh, and kudos for calling me pretentious and defending Green Day in the same post. #broadwaymusical