
Outlander is on Premium Cable, they can get away with ALOT more than Basic.

It's Viking Day Care. These kind of things are probably common :)

The not-quite white wedding?

Impressive. The steamy stuff is usually the first cut. Guess they kept it just within borders..

Did you get the extended or the US cut? I watched the extended and I can't think for a second they sneaked all that…..fingering past the censors.

"Following through for what purpose?"

Actually by show time it should be somewhere in the early 9th century. So right in the middle of the Tang Dynasty.

A Viking looses his life before he looses his beard!!

"Done nothing to make Katheryn Winnick look 40"?

If we're going to go digging into the legends. The reason Ragnar was captured and killed in Aella's snake pit was because he became jealous of Bjorn's accomplishment when Bjorn returned from the Mediterranean and ran of on a raid to England without proper preparation, and tactics to show that the old man "Still had

If your location does not air them your best bet is the Blu-Ray season collections (Blu-Ray only, not DVD) They have contained both the US and the Extended cut of the episodes for the last few seasons.

It's an even race between Kalf and Erlandur for the 'special stuipid' award. Erlandur just wants to avenge daddy dearest. But Kalf's is plotting to kill the only son of a woman who gleefully chopped the balls of the last dude who pissed her of. That is just a complete lack of self perservation.

Nah, Erlandur was stupid enough to send an identifying ring with the berserker.

Not to rub salt in your wounds, but in the extended cut (5+ extra minutes this ep) the full moon was definatly out in Bjorn's case.

No gratutious nudity? Well, probably not GoT level but there certainly is some in the extended/unedited versions of the episodes sometime. For US audiences they seem to only be on the Blu-Rays

If you're refering to Canute the Great most of the Norsemen were already Christianized by his time. The kings most certainly were (Canutes grandfather Harlold Bluetooth was an early adopter). "Divine Right to Rule" is so much easier. Plus he was burried in the church at Winchester.

At least Floki wasn't bound with the intestines of his child like Loki was….

Not quite, the feminine form of Thor is Thora (or Thyri, Siggy's daughter). Thorunn is a combination of the words 'Thor' and 'Rune'

The kind of crossbow you're describing didn't appear until a couple of hundred years after the Viking age, as they were designed to punch through the armor of a mounted knight.

The uncut European edition went a bit further with the 50 Shades of Odo, there was nudity and one crack of the whip involved.