
I think the estimate is now more like 5 seasons.

Dang. I think you just hit the nail on the head on why the episode felt so special and magical to me.

Wow, thats a little harsh. Ragnar clearly loved Gyda as evident by his moving season 2 euology at the lake. Floki too cared about his little girl, in his own way. Bjorn is the only one at fault here, not the rest of them.

The sad thing is. As no one took care of her she probably drowned trying to wash herself after Sigurd said she was dirty.

Bjorn never cared for his daughter, that was made clear from the start. She was a reminder of Thorunn, something he wanted to forget. Hence why he left her to be raised by Aslaug.

Thought the same thing, that maybe they were reusing Edvin Endre.

There's a showdown for the position of Queen of Kattegat coming in season 4B according to the trailer. I have no doubt little Siggy will eventually be avenged. That Bjorn didn't care about her (because she was a reminder of Thorunn) was made clear from the start.

Actually, some sources suggest Valhalla was a sausage fest. The shield maidens went to Freya's Hall, Folkvang together with a selection of the men (Odin and Freya divided the slain men between them).

Ah, yes. Whoever is responsible for making the edits has a long history if shortchanging Athelstan's character development.

And considering Aslaug, through negligence killed Lagertha's granddaughter. That's plenty of reason to kick her butt two ways from Sunday.

Nothing strange about it. The UK airs the European/Extended edition of the show. It often have extra scenes that were either censored for content (nudity) or cut for commercial time in the US.

Didn't Katheryn Winnick tease a Lagertha/Aslaug showdown. Maybe Lagertha cleans up after Ragnar?

They made unsuccesfull attacks (Constantinople was far too well fortified) but also traded and took service in the Varangian Guard. If you can't take someones money by force. Trade or mercenary work still gets you the cash. If you ever visit the Hagia Sofia, there are two instances of ruinic graffiti in there. Even

The Vikings dragged ships like that many times hundred of years before. The route from Scandinavia to Constantinople through the Russian rivers had several of these portages to bypass the worst rapids. So the people of Constantinople were quite familiar with the technique long before 1453

Who do you think the people of Constantinople got the idea to drag ships over land from? The route from Scandinavia through the Russian rivers to Constaniople had several parts that required pulling the ships overland.

Good observation about the severed head. Odin did indeed consult with the severed (and still talking) head of Mimir

And Rollo and Ragnar were not brothers and born about 50 years apart. It's historical fiction/drama. Not a doccumentary. They're allowed to tweak things for the sake of a good story.

That scene was just devastating. 'What might have been indeed'

Ragnars oldest son with Aslaug IS Ubbe/Ubba

Lagertha by now should be somewhere around Katheryn Winnick's real age. So definatly in 40ish territory. Ragnar is having a bit of a mid-life crisis.