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    I like this show well enough, but it is still only my fourth favourite NBC comedy (when last could one actually write something like that? What a turnaround for NBC in such a short period!) because Superstore, T&E and Good Place are vastly superior. But the show has got potential - I think if they expand the ensemble

    T&E comfortably beat every CW show not named The Flash in the ratings with spare change, so that is not accurate. Also NBC, won the season overall and in scripted only, so again not accurate.

    Wow, this flew really fast with so many actual laugh out moments. What a gem of a show, another season would be great but I also happy if this is it because it ended so well.

    NBC and TBS have really launched great comedies this last year or so. The only two I didn't really enjoy were Wrecked and Powerless, the latter being a waste of potential.

    The butler did it! But seriously, I have no clue and I kind of think it is incidental to the show structure, which is to make us laugh as much as possible. And on that count, it succeeds imo. I would really love a second season of this. According to Deadline, NBC love the show - translation: They'll renew it if Warner

    I love this show and it's quirkiness to the last grain like Larry still whistling the East Peck jingle in the final scene as he closes the drawer with Margaret's phone.

    I didn't think it that unbelievable for her to have this epiphany because she sorted of has had it before, but it didn't bed down. Or rather her divorce/life disappointments made her revert to old form so she didn't have to deal with them. Marnie had really regressed this season after previously making progress and I

    Yeah, a hit show it was not. I didn't adore the storylines on Smash, but the production values and musical numbers were so impressive, it's hard not to like the show. The 1 thousand and 1 nights number they did is one of the finest things I've seen on broadcast TV in many years and still youtube it occasionally

    I hadn't see that, but will adjust my expectations accordingly now lol.

    I was kind of hoping that they would grow up or at least motion in that direction - often this show gives us 1 step forward in character strength development only to yank it back 2 steps. I fall for it every time ugh. Adam and Hannah are toxic for each other, poor child will bear the brunt of it. Although it isn't

    I quite liked this episode, but the ending with Hannah watching the film gave me horrible foreboding that the final episode will have Adam and Hannah framed as end-game soul-mates reunited and raising the baby together. I will throw things at my TV in anger.

    I started watching this because of my wife as well lol. This just seems like a walk in the park compared with the Bachelor and those ABC dramas which makes me want to break things. I won't watch those with her anymore, but this I can handle (as long as I just go with it as opposed to critically analyse it like you!)

    Am I the only one who thinks Kate isn't really in love with Toby, and the lengthening of the engagement is subconsciously a huge relief for her?

    Regarding this show being emotionally manipulative, I think it is a well deserved criticism for the early episodes and less so now. Don't get me wrong, it still is manipulative but the show has done such a good job of letting the audience bond with its characters (some much more successfully than others granted) that

    I really enjoyed this episode more than others, because for the most part it was characters bonding or character development. I appreciate that this show is willing to put in the effort, because it can be boring - but it is a real bonus that these are actually the most enjoyable aspects of the show.

    I chuckled at "This place is incredible! See those two women? They look like Westworld hosts!"

    Thanks, I thought it might be a clue of sorts! Guess not…

    I don't know if this has been mentioned further upstream, but in the Medium Place, when Mindy and Eleanor are drinking warm beer, in the background there is a piano/bar/(?) made of dark wood with green writing on it in what appears to be the same font as Good Place "Welcome, everything is fine". Can anybody else see

    I assume it was popular because I remember it - a lot of 80s/early 90's sitcoms blend into each other for me. But Wikipedia says it was the #9 most popular show in its third season but the Wikipedia article says it aired on NBC and CBS in the same article so accuracy may not be there… Anyway, whenever I see that

    I thought Major Dad was a popular show back in the day?