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    Its funny that you mention Brothers and Sisters, because I always feel like Mandy Moore is trying to channel Sally Fields (not her character on B&S) in her present day appearance and mannerisms.

    I binged this yesterday, not really sure why. I think a B or C+ is a fair review. I'd never heard of Miranda Sings before this so that didn't color my opinion. I think this would have been a sweet movie if it was 90 minutes long, but it turns out to be 4 hours and it doesn't resolve the plot - so that's annoying. I

    Wow, I'm going to miss this show, even despite the underwhelming fourth season. The finale wrapped everything up cleanly and no complaints from me but no superlatives either.

    In Russia, you eat dick

    I don't understand how you could think this was worse than Minority Report.

    I thought it was quite interesting that Evelyn and Hecate worked out that Ethan is a werewolf and apparently werewolves can smell witches, something Ethan doesn't know.

    Yes, the hair is probably needed for Evelyn's voodoo doll.

    Greg Berlanti is producing this? I can see the promo tagline already: "From the producers of The Mysteries of Laura, comes a girl who is super!"

    "The Prime Minister of India sent Selina a golden duck. Is this gift
    hinting at a lame duck presidency for Selina, or will the team get their
    act together and land her the nomination?"