Dickhead Killjoy

yus yus, and we is lazzy

Hmmm. Sounds like someone needs to make a mobile friendly comment systems… that isn't facebook


I've always had trouble with Disqus on my phone… but i have a POS, so…office hours only!

I just signed up. It's a bit garage-y, but I'm trying to get into it.

Oh, sorry, I see what you meant. Not re-posting, just sharing links.

why would that be a problem? i'm confused, i share AVC articles all the time.

they say they're customizing/tweaking it, which many are suspicious about, myself included.

Can easily start new ones, if I'm not mistaken. @joeyblowey:disqus is da expert over there.

I figure the odds be 50/50.

Oh, they'll be $$$$, but it will be deposited into an offshore bank account and/or Ireland.

We can keep this good-time happy train going over at AV Club After Dark!

RIP Prince

I would assume they turn AVC into a big-ass frozen banana stand.

Doc said I ain't covered, Doc said I'd best go find a hole to die in.

Whaaaat, you mean you didn't want a family drama with mutants? They're trying to make them relatable!

Vacation is where it's at.

Better than that Grape Ape. He bit me!

"hand-up-my-own-ass" was a dead giveaway!

I am Spartacus as well!