Dickhead Killjoy

Gordon Sumner?

*starts dumping gas everywhere*

Good night and good luck, y'all!

Take care, your honor. It's been a pleasure.

Adios, AVC!

Fair enough. Enjoy the kinja hellscape.

Beats the hell outta Kinja, just you wait 'n see.

abandon fookin' ship, y'all

Always a safe bet.

Spider-Man 2099 might be available.

I'll start me own fookin' Kinja!

The catch is that it's nothing but shows from the TGIF lineup.

Well, that sure was easy.

Aw, gawdemmit!

HDB….huge balls n' dick?


check your comments/upvotes ratio, then check mine. that ought to make you feel better!

It's official: the kinjapocalypse is causing emotions and/or feels!

I never touched it, but watching people lose their minds when Gawker picked it up was enough to scar me pretty darn good.