Dickhead Killjoy

Trying to get folks over to AVC After Dark.

Changing Over Comments System: Two Stars


We can still read it, just comment elsewhere. Everyone wins!

Upvotes for all! They mean nothing! NOTHINNNNG!

Always with the genitals.

Cool shoes, though.

cya there

Mutants: they're just like us.

First few seasons are fun, go for it.

Same goes for COPS. Pa Killjoy was equal parts perplexed and disturbed.

Lotta ex-AVClubbers on there. It is pretty much straight disqus with user created threads.

Age/term limits for all politicians. Shit is ridiculous.

Pages may have a story or two about that.

Herschel really acting out again. What are we gonna do with that boy…

Sounds like filthy communism to me!

Mifune would proud.

late to the party, man

Pick up my dry cleaning, wouldja?

Move to Avocado and you'll keep your precious upvotes.