Dickhead Killjoy

Some site did all the REM songs. Why, i ask, whyyyyy

Oh come on, that's easy.

I want to destroy my turntable when Vera comes on.

I heard whispers on twitter of a Spaceballs II. Might just be Brooks fucking with us, though.

Pa Killjoy hates floyd and would flog me for my insolence when I would play Dark Side.


I been digging Young Lust a lot lately, and I'm not a huge Wall fan, really.

I dunna want to know how the blood sausage is made!

Totes mcgrotes.

One and the same, sir!

Think we were talking about this last week. The required usage of the viewer's imagination. Sometimes telling not showing is far, far more enjoyable. That Hannibal show was so great with that.

Let's kill the scientists!

Huh, now it's not as much fun.

*makes j/o motion*

I know what that means!

Thanks, Obama!

The wrong alien died!

Wardrobe dept!

Thought it was just "Doctor"

Goddamn this age of exposition. Why does everything need to be explained, all backstory explored?