Dickhead Killjoy

"Fucking boooooooored."

Looks and lineage, buddy.

Weirdest post I've seen on here in quite some time. Bravo, sir.

In related news, I have a gently used outrage cycle for sale, guys. $62 obo.

Oy, pack me up one, son.

Oh dear.

Yeah, The Get Down sucked!

relistening now. classic.

Wonder if this will get more or less backlash that that Dog's Life movie where they whipped that dog with a car antenna…

People were walking out of that one about 30 min in. Didn't even give it much of a chance.

I went in nicely toasted. Had a grand time.

I was at a club and there was some cover band playing. They weren't half bad, but the singer was like "Up next we have our version of a nice Lauryn Hill throwback…"

Saw The Master in 70mm. Not the greatest movie, but by god it looked amazing.

A strong argument. Nice.

Yeah, by 2000 PJ had already not aged well. Was never a big fan.

Oh, Lauryn Hill?

Oh, most definitely. Makes ya a better man.

Ahh, I got a few years on ya there.

I don't know you at all.

Ahhhh, pretty sure Blue Album was in there.